dijous, 13 de maig del 2010

What's your colour today?

Some people say that we always do everything depending on our state of mind. We're not everyday happy or worried, we can have many different days. Our state of mind can change in the twikinf of an eye. Usually we change how we feel only because of foolish words or gestures without any importance.

You can't imagine how many feelings we have inside us: happiness, sadness, insecurity, jealousy, dissapointments, ilusions, hopes, pain, love, victories and failures, worries, doubts... But, I did you know that all of our feelings have a colour? Maybe it doesn't seem to matter, but I find it something really interesting. Some of them are known by everyone, but the rest are from my invention.

Well, when you feel sad, you feel like nothing worse can happen to you beacause you probably feel the most miserable person. In those days you don't want to listen funny songs, you only try to listen sad and romantic songs to feel even more sadness inside you. Moreover in those days we simply want to be alone, watch the films which we know that will make us cry, turn all the lights off... I call these days...BLACK DAYS.

Then, there are GREY DAYS. GREY DAYS are quite similar than black days, but they're not the same. If you have a GREY DAY it means that all your hopes have fallen down. You feel so upset and dissapointed that you can't see anything clear. These days are exactly like a cloudy day, and that's the reason we call them GREY DAYS.

On the other hand, also exist RED DAYS! Yes, as Audrey Hepburn said, in those days: "you feel scared but you don't know why".

What about YELLOW DAYS? In my opinion, many people believe that this is the colour of bad luck. So, I think that in these days you feel almost the most unluckily person in the world because everything you do goes wrong. Nothing happens as you expected before, or as usually was used to happen.

There are also days that make you feel happy and calm. When you have a day like this you cannot feel estressed because everything seems to be fine and all that sorrounds you seems to be in harmony with you. I call this, BLUE DAYS. Because BLUE is the colour of the sea, of serenity and calm. The word "blue" in English also means "sad" but I think that these days must be called with this colour.

I hate WHITE DAYS! In these days you have many ideas rounding in your head and so many worries that there's no way to think clearly. We often have this days when we have exams. We have studied, but we're too nervous and we have so many information in our head that we completely forget everything for a while. It's impossible to remember anything when is necessary, and then, all comes back in our head!

I like PURPLE DAYS...they're easy to explain. In these days we feel hopefully and enthusiastically to fight for our dreams!

And finally I'll talk about PINK DAYS, my favourite ones. As you know, pink is LOVE'S COLOUR. In these days we are happy and everyone likes it because it's a kind feeling. Our happinnes is caused by a person and we are so greateful with that person that we would do whatever to make him/her happy!
I call it...falling in love. And maybe this is the best feeling that we can feel.

I think that all of us have lived one of these days...or maybe all of them!
But...What's your colour today?

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