dissabte, 22 de maig del 2010


This great story takes place in the Bronx. Bronx is a poor neighbourhood situated in the gorgeous city of New York. It’s a well-known place where reside the least privileged people. Dirty business, robberies with guns, violations or murders are really common there. People must be careful because Bronx is a quite dangerous area.

There are three main characters in the story: Calogero, Lorenzo (Calogero’s father) and Sonny.

Calogero, Lorenzo and Rosina are an Italian family who live in the Bronx since a long time ago.

Sonny is the head of a famous mafia which is well-known on the Bronx. He and his gang have the absolute control of this neighbourhood and Sonny is the most fearful gangster there. Everyone knows that
Sonny is really vengeful and that he has no qualms.
Sonny has a discreet pub where he meets their boys and where there are alcohol, cigarettes and all kinds of bets and games.

Lorenzo is just a family man. His only aim is will be able some day to earn enough money to look after his family. They’re very poor and he doesn’t earn much money because he is a bus driver. Lorenzo begins to worry about his son when he becomes friend of Sonny and during the story he’s trying all the time to convince his son to stop keeping bad company.

Calogero is an 8-9 year-old child who always says how much he hates his name to his father. He has never understood how his parents could choose a name so inappropriate. He lives in the same street than Sonny. Calogero seems older than he really is because he has seen lots of atrocities since he was a little child and he has spent most of his days in Bronx streets with his friends as well. They are used to steal food, they argue with other children and also they laugh at everybody.
However, Calogero is a very special child and that’s the reason why his parents love him so much. They are usually trying to separate him from street’s life but there’s no way to get it. The reason of Calogero’s affection to the Bronx is Sonny. This gangster is his biggest idol and Calogero always tries to follow his steps.

Time goes by…and Calogero grows up! He’s a handsome teenager now. He has changed a lot, but unfortunately his friends have grown up as well. His friends’ thoughts are completely opposite than his thoughts. They are all terribly changed and Calogero doesn’t feel good with them. They are only worried about black people and they are all day thinking how to bother or hurt them.

Anyway, Calogero has been many days meeting Sonny. They knew each other few years ago when Calogero was still a kid and, from that day, Calogero became his confidence boy. The boy always looked up to Sonny and Sonny treated him as a son. Sony had even changed Calogero’s name…in his gang Calogero is known as “C”. Calogero has learnt a lot with Sonny and his boys and they have lived many new experiences. He’s a mature boy but he still preserves some innocence. He feels the same great admiration to Sonny as well. Everything is perfect to him. Calogero is living exactly his childhood’s dream. But there’s someone who don’t agree with his behaviour…his father! He tries desperately to stop it and make his son realize that he’s heading for a trouble.

Unluckily, “C” is too influenced by Sonny and nothing can take him from his side. One day, unexpectedly, Calogero knows a pretty young girl and he falls in love at first sight. There’s only a little problem: she’s black and it was frowned upon in his neighbourhood.

Everything goes wrong in the end… and things have such a dramatic ending. The story has a very shocking ending…but who didn’t still know that fairytales don’t ever happen in the Bronx?

From my point of view “A BRONX TALE” is a gorgeous film. Probably I liked it so much because all the scenes were unexpectedly, especially the final scene. It was really shocking to me because I though that it would have the typical happy ending. The characters are very well played and each one is perfectly characterized and lifelike. It’s a very successful movie. It reminds me of “Il Padrino”‘s movie which I liked very much as well. With these kinds of films it seems that you are able to feel what their characters are feeling. In a scaring scene you can feel the fear and even when someone shoots a gun, you are so concentrated on the film that you feel like you were inside the scene. I’m afraid that those are magnificent works and nowadays, it’s almost impossible to watch some film like these.

MY MARKING: **** (a masterpiece)

To conclude, I’d like to talk about film’s moral.
“A BRONX TALE” hasn’t only a moral: it has two.

Firstly, the main moral is: “You must trust nobody”.
Sonny repeats it throughout all the film, and maybe he was right. At least, if you live on the Bronx, it would be some good advice.

And secondly, there’s a final moral. This moral talks about the consequences of our acts. I believe that everything we did in the past will always have a great repercussion in our future. Maybe good or maybe bad, but our acts will always draw our way…Well, it’s like the karma. If you are a kind person and you help the others, there are fewer possibilities to have complications in your future. Otherwise, if you are a cold-hearted person and you don’t care about anything…be careful! Because one day everything you did will go back to you, and then,
it’ll be too late to change it.

I think that everyone should know that
“what goes around…comes always back around”

And, once more: if you sometimes try to stop thinking selfishly in yourself and give your help to the people who really need it, always remember that your acts won’t be on vain.

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