dimecres, 26 de gener del 2011


Ted Williams
is a 53-year-old man and until some days ago he was just a homeless living on the cold winter streets. He was born in Brooklyn, New York. His father named him Ted Williams because he was a fanatic of the all-star baseball player named also like this. Since he was fourteen he collaborated on many radio programms. Nevertheless, Ted began consuming drugs and alcohol and this life style took him on the streets. Otherwise, he never lost his magical voice. He has nine kids: seven girls and two boys. He also is a grandfather. Patricia Kirtley, his ex-wife, raised up alone four daughters and also a baby boy the radioman had with another woman and she treated him as her own son. It has been a hard task because she’s partially blind. She considers Williams a good man, but she knows he’s weak and easily influenced so he went to the wrong way; and when he tried to prevent it it was just too late.

Videographer Doral Chenoweth III met Ted Williams at Huston Street (an Ohio highway), in Columbus. Then, Ted Williams was holding a sign claiming “I have a God given gift of voice. I’m an ex-radio announcer who has fallen on hard times. Please! Any help will be greatfully appreciated. Thank you and God bless you. Happy Holidays!” After seeing this, Chenoweth asked him to prove his talent while he was recording him. This videographer felt special afection for Ted Williams so he wanted to help him to get his bad situation over. Many years ago, Williams had trained in radio so he had some experience in this profession. Chenoweth’s video was produced by Dispatch.com, the company he worked in. Amazingly, the video was seen around the world in only few days. After this, he appeared in every Tv news and many shows sought him to offer a job.

He was just a homeless but overnight he became an Internet sensation. In only 24 hours, Ted Williams had got job offers, a free trip to visit his mom (he hadn't seen her for over twenty years)and all those things just because of a YouTube video! It’s unbelievable how technology is able to broadcast information in just a few time and also how a simple recording can completely change the life of people as Williams. Nowadays, life has given to Ted Williams a second chance and he deffinitely wants to help financially his ex-wife and family and, for the first time, look after his grandsons.

The first he did when he becames famous was going to courthouse in Columubs, trying to get a capy of his birth certificate. He had been a homeless for four years so, he hadn’t got the I.D. updated and he needed it to move from Ohio. The next day, luckily, he could travel to New York to visit his mother Then, he was interviewed on “Today”. It’s also important to say that his first interview in Tv was in “Dr Phil Show”.

Nowadays, people use to compare him to Susan Boyle’s phenomenon, which also echoed around the world two years ago. Besides, his mom is really proud of him and she has already said: “God has answered my preayers”. These days, Ted has got several job offers and has made numerous appearances since he has been dicovered. Even the famous Hollywood actor Jack Nicholson wants Williams to appear in his movie.

He checked in Origins Recovery Center, in South Texas, for his drug and alcohol adiction. In January 24th he left rehab against medical advice when he hardly had spent two weeks there. He was really protected form the media there, but he was feeling unhappy with his treatment, so he decided to leave. Anyway, Williams informed everyone he wants to recover but with another help, such as an outpatient center. He has a girlfriend and she is already in a rehab center.

Ted lived in hard moments in the streets and there he knew how life works and realize of their failures. He knew perfectly she deserved this sort of punishment. However, after living many years on the worst conditions this was a lesson to him.
This was the reason why this second chance was like a miracle to him. This lucky break made him the happiest person of the world and he will always be thankful for all the things live has given him. There are sometimes many reasons to think that life is unfair, but when things like this happen I use to believe that there’s nothing more wonderful than facts like these. In my opinion, Ted Williams is an admirable man and he’s the greatest example of overcoming. I’m happy to hear that life has given him another oportunity because I really think he deserves all the good things which are happening to him. Life use to work with money, but fortunately nobody is able to pay touching scenes like this one.

In a recent interview Ted Williams said: “It’s nice to be famous. It is better to be whole”.


Hi! My name is Ariadna Vilà and I’d like to show you my research project entitled “Soul in the sixties: the pride of black identity”. First of all, I will say that I’ve chosen this topic because I really love music. I like almost all music styles, especially jazz. I started searching some information in music books or in my computer and I learnt really useful things to me such as jazz origins or its sugenres. However, soul became the most fascinating style for me. I hardly knew anything about it or about jazz history so, I though that this project would be a good way to learn while I work on it. Furthermore, I have always felt admiration for black singers and for the way they are and I discovered that my favourite ones start succeeding in the sixties. My research project is aimed at explaining the features of soul music whereas its historical context and all the outstanding facts happened before and after its birth. So, I write some information about the history of the fifties and the sixties. I also talk about all the previous music styles which were known before soul’s birth. In addition, I chose two male and two female singers of the sixties and I wrote a short biography of them. Then, I talk about their music relating it to their lives and the time they lived in. Furthermore, I compare all of them to see the differences and similarities between each other and finally I draw my own conclusions. In short, my research project is focused in the soul era and its evolution during the sixties. On one hand, I picked up the information in books specializing in this topic and I summarized the most impotant facts in my own words. On the other hand, I searched the rest of the information in different web sites. Instead of carrying out an option poll I chose some songs from each singer and I worked on them: I explained their meaning, I relate the lyrics to an historical context and to the biography of the singer. Finally, I wrote the features of the soul music which were constant in them. As you can see and hear I’ve done my whole project in English. I chose this lenguage because I like it and I though that it would be a good way to improve my level while I’m learning useful things. Well, I will tell you some information about soul music: In the mid-fifties jazz music was in a tight spot so SOUL was one of its greatest hopes to recuperate its audience. Of course, it succeeded. Soul was a variety of jazz listened during the civil rights act so because of it “black power” appeared. Soul’s origins are in the United States, particularly in Chicago, in the late fifties. It was based on blues (without evoking his negativity), r&B and gospel. Catchy rhythms accompanied by handclaps and extemporaneous body moves, are typical features of soul music. There are also other common characteristics such as call and response between the singer and the chorus, tense vocal sounds, extemporized additions or twirls. It’s main instruments are guitar, bass, piano, organ, drums, horn section and keyboards. Ray Charles is known as the main inventor of the soul genre in the fifties with his great hit “I Got a Woman”. He did it mixing blues, gospel, rhythm and blues and a bit of country elements and adding especially his personal touches. Many famous soul singers such as Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles or James Brown supported the black identity with their music. It’s necessary to emphasize the fact that James Brown was the creator of new styles, as funk soul, through the original soul music. It happened by the early 70’s, when soul music had been influenced by psychedelic rock. In short, soul represented the new importance of the black identity and its culture so black population feel very identified with this music. As jazz music, soul has its own subgenres and each one has different features. Soul influenced many artists during its most successful decades. For example, in churches organ players turned this instrument into a genre on its own: Organ’s sound transmitted optimism and it made the walls vibrate so people liked it because it reminded them of soul essence. Well, now I'm going to talk about ARETHA FRANKLIN and then I'm going to show you an example of the practical work I've done. Aretha Louise Franklin was born in Memphis, Tennessee (1942). She’s known as “The Queen of Soul” and she is the female artist who has the most million-selling singles. Her father was a famous Baptist preacher and her mother was a gospel singer and pianist. Aretha was a prodigy child. She learned to play the piano on her own and she had a powerful voice. She recorded her first gospel album at the age of fourteen. In 1960, she travelled to New York with her father’s blessing. There she signed with some record companies but she didn’t get the absolutely fame until she recorded her feminist version of “Respect” After several years of failed recordings in the 70’s, Aretha’s success remerged with “Think” . Nowadays, she lives alone in Detroit, Michigan and she only sing esporadically as she did in Obama’s ceremony. “RESPECT” (1967) This song was originally written and sung by the famous soul singer Otis Redding. Aretha took this song and turned it into the anthem of the feminist movement in the sixties. Aretha get the absolutely fame with this song and she won many prizes as well. In 1966 was formed a feminist group called “National Organization for Women” and Aretha’s song was her way to back this initiative. “R-E-S-P-E-C-T” (x8 at least) It’s one of the most repeated words. She wants equality. In her time women were considered an inferior being and racial segregation wasn’t still abolished at all. Respect was one of the commonest words in those times because the main objective of the black community, especially black women, was be respected for the others. “(just a little bit)” (x24) She doesn’t want a radical change right now, but she definitely wants to see a little change in men’s behaviour towards women. This time she is helped for a chorus: it is a common feature of soul music. While the singer is playing the song there are some people behind her who repeat the most outstanding sentences. In this case, it is useful to remark her request. Aretha and all women in her society wanted to be treated with the same rights that men had so “Respect” represents the protest of hundreds of women who wanted a change. Nowadays, Aretha is still an example to all the women: it means that in her way she won the battle against men. CONCLUSIONS: And as a conclusion… First of all, I have to say that from the first moment I thought that soul was a music style bigger than jazz. I only new a few things about it and, of course, I was completely wrong. To my great surprise, I found out that soul was just a little part of jazz history it represented the voice of hundreds of people who wanted to be heard. Soul singers supported black people with their music: they had enough influence to get to politicians and other important people’s ears. This was the main reason why they were so admired artists. They were true artists so they rose to the challenge in their live shows. Nowadays the situation is quite the opposite: Most of the famous singers have been known for their appearance: they use to look like a model. Unfortunately, not many people care about their talent for singing. Secondly, I’ve learnt much more than I thought both vocabulary and culture knowledge. For example, before doing this project I didn’t know the name of any instrument or technique of playing them. Now, I know what is drum, horn or <>. I also have learnt other new words and terms. I’ve written some words with its meaning in Spanish in the last pages as appendixes. I did it to show that this project has been really useful to me because I have improved a lot my English vocabulary. Moreover, I didn’t know anything about fifties and sixties history and I found it really interesting. I believe that everyone should know important things like these because we use to think that past facts aren’t useful but if we want to be intelligent adults in a future and be able to talk to anyone we have to get ourselves some culture. with my research project I realized that sixties music was wonderful. I do love it and all related to it. The point is that I’ve learnt a lot of things which were completely unknown to me before. So, I believe that I have carried out the most important objective of my work at least. Anyway, I began working on it quite late so I didn’t have as much time as I’d like to have. This lack of time has limited me a lot so I haven’t been able to talk about all the things which were due in my introduction. Even so, I have always been very motivated because I really feel like working this topic. There aren’t many differences between men. They are daring, cheerful and very professional. They both had a hard childhood: Even so, it couldn’t stop them.. Their beginnings weren’t easy: they played music in the streets or with different bands so they didn’t earn much money. Finally, they become famous and they could show what they worth. On the other hand they spent all his life fighting for black people’s right and supporting them. Apart from their drug addiction, they were considered a good influence because they could gave up their principles but they didn’t. They both suffered from cancer: Ray Charles died because of it but Brown recovered. On the contrary, I’ve seen a lot of differences between Aretha Franklin and Betty Harris. Aretha was an absolutely diva: she was self-confident, proud of being a woman and able of overcoming any obstacle. She had an amazing voice and her songs used to be the anthem of the feministic movement. She was a great example for black women. For her part, Betty was a typical submissive woman. She was a good singer but she always superimposed his role in the society to her job. The only similar things between them are that they were born into a family of preachers and they both travelled to New York City to get fame. They both transmitted different feeling throught their songs: Aretha’s ones sounded cheerful and catchy but Betty one’s has a slow rhythm because they use to be soul ballads. On the whole, Aretha is more comparable to male artists. She has a lot of common features with them: she’s proud of being black, she has social engagements with her race but she’s happy with this, she’s a free person and her music is a reflection of her personality and her principles: mainly she talks about true feelings and the fight for black people’s rights. For her part, feminism is a really common topic as well. They were people with overcoming capacity and any obstacle could never stop them. As a final conclusion, I must say that all the work I’ve done during these months will be always useful to me. I have known really important facts and from this moment I consider myself a sixties music lover. I’m proud of have chosen this topic because it has been more enjoyable than I thought. Finally, I can assure that my effort has been worth. MY OPINION: I really enjoyed working on this topic because I've been interested in music since I was a child. At first, I didn't spend much time on this. I just searched some information but days went by and my project wasn't still done. However, I love the topic I had chosen so I decided to make the most of the rest of my time. I must confess that I though I wouldn't be capable of finishing my project because I wanted to talk about a lot of songs, music styles, singers...but I was completely running out of time!! Anyway, I strived a lot to get great resoults, and I think with it I carried out my main objective. Regarding to my oral presentation I have some remarks. On the one hand, I studied my writting a lot. I did the same when I had to do the oral presentation of my research project so, it wasn't a difficult thing to me because I knew exactly what I was talking about and I still remembered a lot of parts of my summary. On the other hand, I have to say that nerves played a dirty trick on me! It is a common thing on me and I really hate it! Unfortunately, there's no way to avoid it for me! Despite this unfortunate fact, my main aim was show everyone my interest and my knowlege of everything I was talking about. If I just get this then I'll be very happy! What it really means is that I've enjoyed very much working on this topic and I hope my friends have enjoyed my oral presentation as much as I did.

diumenge, 9 de gener del 2011


1. What are human rights?

To me, Human Rights are sort of laws which are especially aimed at protecting every person’s moral integrity or freedom. They consist of thirty different articles which tackle really outstanding matters such as racism, sexism, child exploitation… in order to prove that everyone is entitled to being respected. Also, they demand equality in the world: it makes no difference to race, genre, age or religion because all people deserve a fair treatment. Prejudices or discrimination are some products of the lack of knowledge in society which is often fraught with dangers such as violence: arguments, fights or even war. That’s the reason why Human Rights are necessary: they must solve conflicts of interest or ideas without resorting to force in any case. The fact is that we all have certain rights just because we are human beings and since we are born we have to learn how to live peacefully with each other. So, if anyone tries to violate any of these entitlements, this one will be punished.

2. When did human rights start?
Why thet were created?

People have always been concerned about Human Rights since their origins and even in some old civilizations, such as Greeks, there were some unwritten rules which remind of Human Rights’ intention. Nevertheless, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted for the first time by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. Then, World War II had come to an end so Human Rights were, in some sense, a protest against all the atrocities involved with it: unfair assassinations, poverty, whole destroyed towns…
Finally, Human Rights became an international law in 1976.

4. How many human rights are there?

There are thirty articles based on human rights. Each one of them deals with different matters but there's always some connection between them. The main intentions of Human Rights are: freedom, equality and respect. It means they’re not exactly laws, they’re simply natural rights. We should know that we are born with them, but people sometimes seem to forget it. So, that’s the reason why they’re in writing and considered essential rules; it’s the only way to make sure of anyone’s concern for them.

5. Which human right were you not familiar with?

Before doing this project, I wasn’t aware of some human rights which are essential to everyone. The article which had impressed me much was the 11th one “We are always innocent till proven guilty". I’m really interested in law and all concerned with this. I watch TV programmes about crimes, unsettled cases…so; I’ve learned few important things about this topic. I heard of hard sentences while I was watching this, even I heard of death penalty. Nevertheless, I wasn’t aware of this sort of law and I think everyone should know it and especially respect it. It’s good to know that fair rights like this exist in our society.

6. Choose one human right and discuss:


In my opinion it’s maybe the most known human right, but it’s the article which I feel most identified with. Firstly, I must say we live in a full of hate and prejudices society which use to be dangerous for certain people. When I say “danger” I refer, as an example, to racial discrimination or sexism. Secondly, I’d like to emphasise the fact that we’re living in a really modern time and there’s more freedom to express the feelings, likes and dislikes of anyone tan ever was. Anyway, some intolerable behaviour hasn’t disappeared at all. Thanks to new technologies and new discoveries, most of the society’s rate of developing never stops. It has a lot of positive points, such as make life easier and more comfortable. Otherwise, there are also many negative points which are important to remember.

On the one hand, there are thousands and thousands of people who cannot access to these privileges . The worst thing about this is that the great majority of them are from Africa, Asia, or South America, so when they try to start a new life in another richer country they have to overcome many obstacles, and sometimes it is very hard to do. In many cases, they’re families or couples who just want to earn enough money to live happily. Nevertheless, things are never easy for them and people us to consider those people problematic and even a nuisance, when they’re just trying to survive. I think this isn’t fair!! On the other hand, there’s not many people trying to change this situation, and that’s probably the worst part about this fact. Human beings who live in rich countries use to consider that poor people have to live away from them because they consider them a great threat, so they’re just afraid of losing their money and their business (the only things which they are worried about).

From my point of view, this behaviour doesn’t derives benefit and, of course, it becomes harmful both for victims and guilty ones. I also have to say that although people have changed a lot their mind towards society there are still a loooooooooooot of them with a reactionary attitude which I consider even outrageous than their ancestors attitude was. There’s no possible justification for judge or look down on someone just because this person is a woman, has different habits and believes, has a different colour of skin, is homosexual… because those things doesn’t mean anything. A person isn’t good for these features but for the feelings which has in his/her heart.

Actually, we are all the same: we love, we suffer, we laugh when something makes us happy, we cry when things tourn into troubles, we miss someone when we use to spend a lot of time with that person, we have insecurity, we have a lot of virtues but we have much more faults, sometimes we feel beautiful and sometimes all the contrary, all of us have wishes to come true, all of us would be able to kill someone for our loved ones, we dream about our the most impossible things especially when we are awake, we can touch the sky of happiness an in a minute we can feel upset or sad for anything…so, is anyone able to tell the difference between an African Boy, an Asian girl and me? Only the external appearance changes, but the colour of the heart is always the same. I’d like to stop this situation and live all peacefully in the world, giving to the poorest more privileges and opportunities to get the life they deserve and especially apply a law which forces the richest to a little part of their fortune to the needy ones.

7. Are Humans rights relevant in the world today? Why?

Yes, they’re the most essential laws in the world. If we want to make the world a peacefully place we need to follow each one of them, always. In my opinion, governs must apply harder sentences to people who breaks some of these laws because they have to be completely respected to work properly. With a little effort and collaboration these articles would be able to create a fairest world.