diumenge, 28 de febrer del 2010


I know that racism is criticized topic, and that’s the reason why I have chosen it. I want to talk about it, about how it affects people, about the danger of racism in the world and especially about my point of view on it.

To beginning I will say that I’m completely opposite against racist people. Why hate someone who’s just like you? Why look down to somebody who has the same rights than you? I think that it’s something vain and thoughtless. People always judge the others only to be different than them, we are full of prejudices and these prejudices don’t let us realize that behind all those differences we are simply the same.

What means the colour of our skin or our origin? I think that they are a part of us, but they don’t have to be a handicap between us. Is unimaginable how people can judge someone when they didn’t even know him. We think that we have the right to say who matters and who is secondary, just for the appearances. I’m sick of this bad behaviour, I can’t understand why we don’t show respect to some people when we should have all the same treat.

Everybody has different points of view, we know it. But it isn’t a reason to act like this with the others. We have to be solitaries with everybody, because maybe when day we will need their help.
I could talk about so many things related to racism… Tell me, why are there so many people who think they’re better than the others? How can exist people who enjoy hurting other people just because the appearances?

I’m sick of it, I can’t believe why they do it. There are people who seem to don’t have heart with it. I can recognize that maybe we used to judge anyone by the first impression, but we still have time to change it. We can’t know anything just for the colour of the skin or the language. With this writing I would like to do a reflection, and see that racism should be removed for us. With racism there are no winners, but there are lots of losers. Why go on with something which doesn’t give us anything positive?

I propose some advices to make a change in our lives!

First of all…

-DO NOT EVER JUDGE ANYBODY. A colour just means the race, but it’s not related with the feelings or the character of that person.

-DON’T EVER FEEL BETTER THAN THE OTHERS. Everybody has good and bad things. We don’t have enough reasons to look down on someone for it.

-DON’T HATE ANYBODY. Hate only brings more hate. If you don’t agree with somebody, or if you don’t understand his behaviour, just forget it! The world is full of people, and sometimes we won’t feel well with some of them. But don’t worry, don’t waste your time hating someone, just try to understand that you’re are not compatible but you will respect each other.

-RESPECT ALWAYS: It’s a part of the human’s rights. You have to respect the others if you want to get the same. Without caring the appearances everybody has to be respected by the others. If you want to change our world, that’s one of the first steps. Respect means understand the others (with all their virtues and defects) and don’t give importance to what they seem, just see that behind everything we are the same.

-GIVE HELP WHO MORE NEED IT: We live in a privileged country, and our parents always gave us the best. We grew up with any problems around us, and when we were children money or hunger were things completely unknown for us. Luckily we never suffered it, but not everybody has a life so wonderful… Because it, we should help everyone who need it. We don’t have to spend a lot of money for it, because nowadays we’re living a difficult economic situation, but we can help people with not much money. We can join to solitary organisations; we can be godfathers of poor children giving them some money every month.
We can find old things in our home, or clothes that we don’t wear now, and before to throw out them we should give them to poor people. For us old things and old clothes seem something unusual, but they would help a lot those people.

-TRY TO AVOID RACISM SITUATIONS: If we see that someone is failing the advices you must react. People like this have to change, and we can help them to do it. We have to try to explain that they’re going wrong, and make them see the good way. If we do it, we will be helping the others, and we will be collaborating to change the world.

As you can see, there are also many things to do…but I think that if we start with those easy advices we will succeed in the end.

When I talk about racism I always remember Michael Jackson’s songs. It’s impossible to describe him, and his enormous heart, but maybe his lyrics say enough about him. I use him like an example because he was always trying to help everybody, and he was always criticized and bad treated for a lot of people. He lived a hard childhood, and when he was adult his behaviour was quite surprising. But that’s not reason to make someone feel so bad, or treat someone like this. He was great, he was gorgeous, and the most important: he was always trying to change the world, and make it a better place.

To finish my writing I’d like to say that I’m proud of the result of it. I had clear that I wanted to do something about racism, but when started I didn’t know that I could feel so well knowing that I don’t have to be rich to change the world, or have influences. I can change it with little things, day after day, giving my best to the people who really deserve it.


divendres, 26 de febrer del 2010



Hi! We are Laura and Ariadna, and today we're going to talk about AUSTRALIA...

(HISTORY)Australia, also known as Commonwealth of Australia, is a country situated in the southern hemisphere comprising the Mainland of the Australian continent.
Australia is the sixth biggest country in the world. The name of its capital is Canberra.

Australia has been habituated by the Aboriginal since forty-two thousand years ago. It has been colonized by the United Kingdom in 1770 and in 1778.

(CULTURE)Australian people have for certain that Australia is absolutely a lucky country.
They are usually cheerful and with a smile on their face. They like to joke or say funny things. Respect is something basic in their life. They want to be well-treated, and if they get it they will do the same with the others.
In short, Australians are usually good people, friendly, and welcoming. They don’t care about colours or race. The magic words for them are: PLEASE and SORRY.

(RELIGION) Australia hasn’t got an official religion, most of the Australians are Christians, approximately the 60%, others are Roman Catholics and the rest are Anglicans or no-religious.

(FESTIVALS)Local festivals are very interesting, and because of it when people visit Australia look for them. The most known local festivals are:
-On the 26th January, it’s Australia’s National Day.

-In February there are also more celebrations, related especially with Carnival. Also, in this month is celebrated the “Festival of Perth” where there are different artists from other countries.

-In Sydney they celebrate “Mardi Gras” a party dedicated to all the gays and lesbian that visit Australia.

-And in June the most outstanding event is “Melbourne Film Festival”, where is preformed an exhibition of the best national and international films.

(MUSIC)Australian music includes:



-and many other POPULAR MUSIC GENRES.

One of the most famous Australian singers is: Kylie Minogue, she’s a pop singer.

(FOOD&DRINKS)The great majority of people buy fast-food from restaurants or ready meals from supermarkets. Some of them prefer to eat organic meals and other prefers to buy everything fresh and cook the food them selves, which results cheaper.

Typical Australian MEALS:

-Lamb with mint sauce or with apple sauce, all accompanied with chips, carrots and peas.

-Australian people like very much to cook with the “BARBIE”, barbecue for us. They usually cook different kinds of meat.

-They are crazy about “Fish&Chips”. They have it because of the English influence.

-Also it’s very typical there to eat “Meat Pies”. They are sold in butcheries.

-In Australia people drinks very quickly, and the most famous drink is beer.

(ACCENTS&DIALECTS)Australia hasn’t an official language. English is the most spoken language, but with a different accent and vocabulary. They speak Australian English. The next common languages are: Chinese, Italian, or Greek.

(ANIMALS)We want to talk about some animals of Australia because we haven’t them here. There are poisonous jellyfishes and octopus. There are also the most lethal spiders, usually in the cities. As well, there are different kinds of kangaroos, koalas and wombats.
But maybe the most scaring marsupial is “The Tasmanian Devil”. It seems a dog, but it’s really strong. It’s known by its disgusting smell and its loud and disturbing shouts.



I’m quite proud of our presentation. It seems better than my first oral presentation, but I still have many things to improve. On my first presentation, I hadn’t any paper, but I was looking all time to the PowerPoint, and in this presentation I decided to bring a paper but only with the most difficult words. On the video you can see that I’m all the time looking at the paper, but it’s quite silly because I wasn’t reading anything. I did it because I was too nervous. I haven’t improved my moves yet. I’m very nervous and I can’t stop moving all the time. I think that those are things to change in my next presentation. I have felt quite embarrassed when I have seen myself: while I was doing it, I thought that I wasn’t so nervous, but when I saw it I couldn’t believe it. I realize all my mistakes of the two oral presentations and I can say for sure that I want to it better.

My English pronunciation has still a low level, but it’s very difficult to me speak English in front of many people. I think that the vocabulary of the project is right, and some words were a little difficult to memorize but finally I got it.

It seems that I hadn’t study it, or that I’m reading all the time. But I can swear that I study very hard this presentation because it is a very important work to me. I like very much English, and our topic was very interesting. My brother is living in Australia right now, and I thought that if I chose it I would learn a lot of things about this beautiful country.

Maybe, after seeing the video, I can say that I’m disappointed with myself. I know that it doesn’t sound well but it’s the truth. I researched information, I read all and I chose the important things, I translated everything, I memorized my presentation all afternoon long, I tried to not be nervous and…what happened? I was more nervous than before, I moved hundred times more than before, I didn’t improved the pronunciation and especially I couldn’t do a good work.

I hope to improve it soon, and be able to do a nice third presentation. I hope it with all my own! I said all the negative things about our project, but perhaps if I had to say positive things about it I would say that…I learnt a lot with it, and I’m happy for it. I had fun with Laura while we were doing it, because we saw how different could be everything in Australia. Also, I’m fond of our hard work: we did a good PowerPoint, and we wrote there only the specific words, not the whole information as I did before. I think that we can improve it, and I will try it.

dijous, 25 de febrer del 2010


I didn’t know exactly what could I write today…but after been thinking about it for few hours I realized that I could write about something which everybody would be identified with. If we stop thinking for a while, we will see that in spite of the differences we have many things in common between us. I chose my favourite one: OUR WISHES.
I always think about this, and it’s true, everyone has wishes. Of course, they can be all very different, but we attach much importance to them.We can have a wish which is more than a dream for us, or maybe we can only want something stupid. Anyway, we like to believe in them because when we did it we feel hope, we feel happiness about something really fond for us.We always look forward to be able one day to carry out our dreams. These kinds of dreams are very often impossible. We know that is really complicated make them true, but we prefer to not think very much about it and try to never lose our hopes.

I have so many dreams to come true…
I would like to have my good friends for ever, and whatever happens never lose them. I would love to see someone who I love with all my own and spent as much time as possible, or all the time I have by his side. I also would like to know something else about him, even just silly things, because he’s very far and I’m afraid to forget him. I would like to be understood by my friends, because they never understand me when I talk about it. I would like to continue with my life, but only if I know for sure that he will be right. I would love to fly and forget all my troubles above the clouds. I would like to be able to help every unfortunately person and be able to eradicate poverty, hunger and wars around the world. I would love to have magic powers and live happily in my own world, with my loved ones and enjoy every moment together until our last days. I would love to be able to make happy everyone that is living a hard situation, I wish I could remove all the pain inside them. I would love to find the cures for all the illnesses (physical and psychic). I’m still thinking of him, I know it’s crazy and silly. I think about him over and over again. I would love to see him right now. I would love to meet him again and forget everything: feel all those feelings which I felt before, when he was with me. I would love to don’t take care about anything, just think for myself…even just for a minute. I would love to do craziness with him, as go somewhere where nothing else matters or make another wish come true, as write our names on a padlock, lock it up on the most famous bridge of Roma, where there are plenty of these, and throw the keys on the river which means that our love is for ever. I would be the happiest person in the whole world if one day I could do this. I would love to feel that the world, or perhaps my own world, wants to stop for a while when I’m with him. I would love to see those blue eyes for the last time. I would love to repeat that “last time” at least more than a thousand times. I would love to hold him tight and feel that my long wait was worth. I would like to be sometimes out of love…or maybe not. I would love to tell him that I love him, not because everyone says this, just because I feel it. I could be saying it all my life…I would love…

As you can see my wishes list has no ending. At the beginning I wanted to tell you my biggest wish, but when I start to write about this…nobody can stop me. Well, I think that I have enough time to talk about my biggest wish. This wish is…be able to travel around the world, that’s my first dream. I want to visit so many places, know so many different cultures, live so many new experiences… I would like to have enough money to do it. If I get it I will travel everywhere but always with my best friends. I was talking with a good friend of mine and we have already chosen some places to visit soon. I’ll tell you my favorite places to visit…
when I’ll be seventeen, Paris could be our destination. We want to visit Paris because is known as THE CITY OF LOVE. But also, I think it would be an unforgettable travel because we would go there by car, and it would be very fun!

When I’ll be eighteen we want to travel to Ibiza! In this Island the weather is hot, people are amusing and cheerful and party never ends!!

When I’ll be nineteen we want to visit Dubai, because it seems the paradise and as well that friend of mine knows very much about Dubai’s culture and history.

When I’ll be twenty we want to go to Italy, and luckily could meet my friends! Italy is simply…spectacular. I’ve just been there once, but I’m dying to visit it again. Italy has many beautiful places to visit, and everything is so romantiiiiiic there!!

And finally, when I’ll be twenty one we want to travel to Las Vegas, in Nevada. We will wait some years to go there because in the U.S.A. you can only go into the pubs and casinos if you’re twenty one years old. Las Vegas is the city of vice and everybody says that you must go there. But we’ll have to be careful with our money, if we don’t want to lose it playing! As well people usually go to Las Vegas to get married, and that’s also one of my wishes. It would be unimaginable, but also a perfect experience! I imagine going there with the boy I’m in love, and get married there! Because is not the typical way of marrying someone. We would disguise ourselves of famous old stars, drink a little and have a lot of fun together!

Those are our prepared trips for the moment. We like to talk about it and imagine how amazing could be everything. But, that’s not all! I still have places to visit, as…Thailand, South Africa, China, all U.S.A., Caribe islands, Holland…and with no doubt Andalucía and London as many times as possible.
I love to travel around the world, and I don’t want to die before I visit at least half of those places.

dilluns, 8 de febrer del 2010


9 Major Square 17470
Sant Pere Pescador

14th January 2010

The head teacher, Lluïsa Pintó
6 Rentador
Castelló d’Empúries 17486

Dear Miss Pintó,

My classmates and I were on the last meeting in our school. Today, I am writing to you on behalf of us all because I am the students’ representative.
The reason why I write you is the new school calendar of next year. Maybe, it will be good talk about this.
Apart from this, we do not have any more complain.

First of all, we agree with our current classes’ timetable, with our teachers and with our subjects. But probably we disagree with next year’s calendar; we do not think that it could be better than the other. This year we are on Batxillerat, and we have to work really hard, so we probably would prefer to be on holidays the first two weeks of September than to have one week of holiday on February. It seems to be more practical for us, because in September is still summer and most of us will be working the whole summer,
and these two weeks would be a perfect break time for us.
Secondly, this year some things have changed a little: we start earlier in the morning and we do not have afternoon classes. That is more practical for everyone, because with this timetable we have more hours to study. Therefore, we have nothing to say against this year’s calendar. We think that our holidays are right.

And I must say that it is very pleasant be with friendly people all year long. We always help each other with our exams and homework and our friendship is wonderful.

I look forward to your answer.
Thank you very much for reading this!

Yours sincerely,


dijous, 4 de febrer del 2010


Experiments on human life are very common in these times. Scientists are experimenting with human people to try to know something else about human creation and to be able to discover ways to change the real cycle of life. They want to discover new inventions to put life in death bodies, to clone people or to do everything that they can with them. At the moment, experimenting with humans is illegal in all countries. So, to be able to do this, scientists have to travel very far on the sea, where there aren’t any laws. There, they can try to experiment with everything you can imagine.
So far, there isn’t any novelty on these investigations, but it is getting closer.

Scientists can support their ideas with different points. At first, if they improve and get a final result soon, it’ll be one of the most amazing discoveries on human’s life. With their advances, they could find cures for dangerous illnesses, they would be able to control some parts of human’s body which had been damaged (like a heart that couldn’t beat as well as before, or a hurt brain because of an accident). If scientists one day get to carry out their project it would save a lot of lives. What’s more, they could do a wonderful work with all this technology, against all that illness and healthy problems which are bad for us, for the humanity.

But not everything is as beautiful as it seems to be. Science also has bad points. If someday the cleverest scientists discover how to control human life it’ll surely be very dangerous. Experiments with human life are not very common nowadays, and it could start as a good idea with good intentions, but in the end it could destroy all of us.
It’s not the first time that humans are able to create something to help people, to get a safe and better life. But, as always happened, nobody knows why but good intentions each time have tragic consequences. Also, as the creation of Frankenstein’s monster: Victor Frankenstein tried to create a great human, with pieces of death bodies and the energy of lightning. When the monster was finally alive his creator never showed him any feeling, like love or happiness. And finally, because f it, Victor completely destroyed his own life.

In my opinion I think that some advances with science could give something positive on human’s life, but maybe they’re trying to discover too much. They’re playing with life and death, they’re manipulating people and that could affect the cycle of life. They’re using natural things and transforming them unnatural. It must be very dangerous. Anyway, the most terrible thing is that it seems that they want to control everything with their experiments, but if they get it, perhaps it’ll be the end of us. We would become empty; our life would be completely controlled by them.
Sincerely, I’m worried about future, because if there would be people able to manipulate human’s life, also they would be able to decide who they want to help or who they want to destroy. And that’s frightening.

dimecres, 3 de febrer del 2010


Last 22nd January was the second year of the sad death of the gorgeous actor Heath Ledger. Heathcliff Andrew Ledger was born the 4th April of 1979 in Perth (Australia), and he died the 22nd January of 2008.
He had been throughout his whole artistic career a professional and really talented actor. Heath’s death is still polemic nowadays. According to forensics scientists, six medicines bad combined (Oxicotin, Restoril, Valium, Xanax and Unisom) were the cause of the actor’s death that 22nd January. He was only 28. His nearest friends and his family said that the overdose was caused by his great depression. Heath Ledger’s depression began after the unbelievable success that he got with the film “Brokeback Mountain”. Heath always admitted that he wasn’t ready to be famous and fame absolutely surpassed him. In the last years heroin and alcohol were added on the depression. Heath tried with goodwill to get over all his addictions and the only solution that he found to get it was the overdose of antidepressants, analgesics, anxiolytics and sedatives which had been recipe by his doctor.

The post-mortem result silenced some rumours, but the rest are still alive. Many people commented that there were lots of causes because of the overdose, but finally forensics scientists proved that it wasn’t true. Although other rumours, like Ledger’s relationship status in that moment, are facts wich nobody won’t ever know the truth about them. Some people say that he had a relationship with the young top-model Gemma Ward, others say that he was going out with the famous twin Mary-Kate Olsen and she was the person who saw him alive for the last time. However, any rumour could bring him to life again, and because of it, his family and all his loved ones will always have good memories about him. As I said before, Heath became famous around the world after the polemic movie “Brokeback Mountain”. During the filming of this movie he met his best friend, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Michelle Williams, his wife for two years and Matilda’s mum, his lovely daughter.

Matilda was only a baby when his dad died, and now she’s five years old. Heath’s addictions had the fault of the break up between them. He couldn’t ever overcome it because Michelle was the love of his life and he always loved her with all his heart. From that moment, and also because of the fame, he got a depression and he could never leave it. After “Brokeback Mountain”, he interpreted films as famous as “The Dark Knight”, where he was The Joker, or “I’m Not There” a tribute film to Bob Dylan. When he died, he was filming a movie called “The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus”.

His film mates said that his nature was perfect to interpret that character.His death shocked to everyone, but the movie’s director, Terry Gilliam, wanted to pay homage to the actor. So, this year the film will premiere on theatres with all the scenes of Heath and even more with the collaboration of well-known actorsas Colin Farrell, Jude Law and Johnny Depp. Ledger’s death was terrible,his ex-wife, who decided to prepare a funeral totally different from the others. especially to She wanted to make it unforgettable, so she decided to meet all the actor’s friends and his loved ones, on a beach of Perth, the city where Ledger was born. It was a gorgeous funeral, and meanwhile the tears streamed down the faces of everyone, they couldn’t help to smile remembering the good memories shared with the actor. Heath left a great mark on films’ world and he proved that although the success that he got thanks to his unbelievable talent, inside of him, inside of that person, it was hiding someone really fragile.
Heath Ledger
is my favourite actor and I will never be tired of saying his story because is something to remember. I know that everyone who loved him will remember him for ever, and his hard work will get recognition to the eternity.

dimarts, 2 de febrer del 2010


Marshall Bruce Matters, better-known by his artistic name Eminem (a name created by his two initials: (M&M), was born the 17th October of 1972 in Kansas City, Missouri.
His childhood was really difficult to him: he grew up without any father, because he leaved him when he was only six months. His mother always blamed him for it. Marshall was moving all time from Kansas to Detroit as well. Because of the bad relationship with his mother, his grandmother, Betty Kresin, looked after him with loving care.

He was interested in hip-hop since he was a child, especially because he was living on a neighbourhood of black people. His aunt Ronnie taught him to be interested on music and to know how to rapper to be able to adapt with the rest of black people. That was very hard because of the colour of his skin: he was white. His neighbours didn’t accept him, because they thought that a white boy couldn’t sing as many great rimes as them, and they decided to call him “white speck”.

He didn’t have friends because he was moving like twice or three times for a year. Rap, however, became his consolation. When he was on 9th grade he decided to leave school and find a job, but he never forgot his music. He worked in many places…but always with a low salary. His only dream was to be able to break the colour barriers on music, and to show that he was talented.

His first steps to fame were when he was only fourteen years old. He recorded a CD, but it didn’t have good critics because people said that it was influenced by other rappers work. Eminem realized of it, and from that moment he found his true style. The most impressed by his talent was Dr. Dre, who made Eminem famous around all the USA. His lyrics were in that moment darker than before, that was the real Eminem. His music’s nature had become aggressive and provocative. His first job with Dr. Dre was called “The Slim Shady LP”, and it was created on 1998. Eminem is always saying that Dr. Dre is the best hip-hop producer that has ever existed.
On 2000 Eminem finally gets a global recognition. That year he recorded another CD: “The Marshall Mathers”. With that project he sold many CD’s around the world, and he won three Grammys.

2002 was an important year in Eminem's career. It appeared a new job: "The Eminem Show", That CD had a lot of successful singles recorded, and let Eminem win two more Grammys. In the same year the singer debuted on the big screen with "8 Mille". Eminem was the main character of the film, and also he wrote song from the original sound track which won an Oscar prize.

He hadn't ehough with music and film, so he wanted to be a virtual star too. An informatics companysold a videogame that has some Eminem's songswhich are the tuning.
After filming
"8 Mille" the rapper said that he wouldn't perform ever again because it was it was too much difficult and hard for a singer, but his thoughts seemed to change soon when the rumous said that he was going to be the main character on a film about the young Jewish boxer: Dmitry Salita. And moreover Eminem was training hard to get it.

Meanwhile, he announced that his nearest project was creating a radio station with only rap music the 24 hours. Also, the singer ensured that his radio's music would be from any discography.

In 2004 Eminem collaborated with "D12", the band sponsored by him. At the end of 2004, after some time with any news from jim, Eminem came back with a new album: "Encore", the continuation of "The Eminem Show". This CD had some unpublished lyrics. What's more Eminem was working on a tribute to the death rapper Tupac.

With his success a wonderful fact happened: in 2005 was born his first daughter, Hailie Jade Scott. Hailie was an important influence to his dad in a lot of songs, which are magnificient and full of love. Baby's mother is Kimberly Mathers, who had a relationship with Eminem for eight years. Finally, they split up because they were always quarreling.

After the death of Proof, Eminem's best friend, in 2005 everyone said that Eminem would retire because the last song of "Encore" was like a goodbye. There he said: "See you in Hell, Fuckers!" But between the rumous Eminem But between the rumours Eminem organized a lot of concerts of his best hits. Finally, he had to cancel them, because he was having a rehabilitation treatment blamed on his addiction to “sleeping pills”. Anyway, after this bad moment on Eminem’s life he created some new songs, with other singer’s help like 50 Cent or Ca$his. But he wasn’t the same...he was depressed and also addicted to drugs again.
His career stopped for a long time, maybe two or three years. He only wanted to be completely clean and recuperated. He was on rehabilitation some time, and many people said that Elton John was helping him a lot too, because he had been addicted when he was young.

In 2009, Eminem came back
completely recovered, and with a new project: “Relapse”. And with it, came back too the real Slim Shady!
Now, Eminem is working on his new CD, it will be the continuation of “Relapse”:
“Relapse 2”
In his new album it will be collaborations from bands like

They said that Eminem is a perfectionist man, and very sarcastic. And of course, he’s really funny. Reading all his biography I can assure that he’s and he will be my idol all my life. He was a completely strange, born from nowhere, and on his own he has become famous around the whole world. He’s someone indescribable, and because of it so many people follow him in every project.