How many times have we remembered good moments lived, no matter how far they are, and a smile has put in our face? How could we pay the feeling of knowing that whatever happens if you’re with your loved ones you will have a thousand reasons to be happy? Has someone ever made you so happy that it seemed that you had wings and you could fly? Have you ever loved someone so much that you forgot the world for a while? Is possible to be able to feel the most complete person in the world when you realize that above bad things so much love surrounds you? How can I explain the feeling that I feel when in spite of disappointments so many wonderful people have appeared in my life? Will I be able to thank all the love that has been given to me which asks for nothing in return? Why do we always try to complain when actually we have thousands of reasons to never do it? Why are there people who don’t want to realize how wonderful is life?
You’ll see, today I’m writing about those little things which we don’t even appreciate many times. Things which we don’t attach importance to, but with them live and be happy are worth. I’ll write some of these little things…here they go!
The smile of an innocent child, a true laugh, laughing tears, sweet or unexpectedly kisses, a warn hug when you’re upset, get your hand hold in front of everyone by the person you love, a sincere smile, funny silly things, friendship between good friends and all that this friendship includes (secrets, fun, pieces of advice, confidence…),

realize that money will be never as important as our happiness is, be able to make our friends happy with a simply smile, know that you will fight for your loved ones and also know that they would fight for you if you have some troubles…
All those things and more make life beautiful…but don’t you ever forget it! The only two things which are essential in life are love and happiness. So, when you are sad or upset, or when you think that only the worst things happen to you, remember that if you have love and happiness…everything will be fine.
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