Jackson, who had suffered from healthy problems, was staging few comeback concerts in the UK. These concerts had to begin on the 13rd July.
Firstly, concerts had to be performed earlier, but organisers insisted to move the dates because of the complexity of staging the show.
These kinds of concerts seemed to be too much for an unhealthy body of 50 years old. Michael was wishing to do it because these concerts were a way to feel that he could be the old Michael Jackson again.
Here comes the true story about Jackson’s death…
Michael Jackson was preparing his amazing last concerts in UK. He was 50 years old but he felt that he needed to do it. Doctors began to prescribe medicines to Michael when he had suffered the break of one of his vertebras and one of his legs. From that moment Michael was addicted to prescribed medicines. While Michael was practising his show he was overdosing himself to be able to arrive in perfect conditions at the concerts. This was the worst thing because the singer had medicines on his arrangement in every moment. The singer was really addicted to a painkiller called “Oxicodona” and a diary injection of it had been given to him with another painkiller called “Demerol”
Demerol, similar to morphine, has analgesic proprieties and works as a depressor of the Nervous Central System. It is used to relieve pain of medium or high intensity. Demerol belongs to the group of “Methadone”. It causes addiction and abstinence syndrome, so the dose has to be reduced in a gradually form.
The last days before his death Jackson arrived always late to his practises and his mates said that he looked weak and a bit tired. On Thursday, Michael was practising with pain and he was strongly medicated until few hours before his death. Because of his serious condition his personal doctor decided to give him a bigger dose of medicines. It caused his death.
Michael received a dose too big of narcotics the day of his death. The singer stopped breathing some minutes after the injection. His personal doctor was trying to revive him in every way but he didn’t succeed.
Conrad Murray (Jackson’s personal doctor) had been found with the singer when someone called to urgencies asking for help. Maybe Dr. Murray was the only witness.
Michael was completely in cardiac arrest in his mansion. Dr. Murray’s behaviour was really questioned (he disappeared after all without accepting his acts) Jackson’s family was annoyed and frustrated because of the silence of Murray.
The official autopsy of Michael Jackson has been done by the “forenses” team leaded by Dr. Lakshmann. Police found a great quantity of medicines in Dr. Murray’s car. Until nowadays Murray has taken statement twice and finally, he has been doomed with prison. But nobody knows how long it will take his sentence yet. Police are still investigating some people of the singer’s nearest circle.
Also the web “TMZ” (the first mean which informed about singer’s death) told that Police could be looking for another doctor, Dr. Thome Thome, singer’s friend and a possible indirect participation in the facts.
While Michael was in the hospital several hundred people were outside showing their support to the king. They were remembering him with the best way: singing his songs, performing his famous dances…
Singer’s family had been trying for months to take care of Michael but people who surrounded him didn’t let this happen.
Liza Minnelli, a good friend of Michael Jackson said: “It’s a good job we’re celebrating now his memory, because when everyone knows the result of the autopsy all hell’s going to break loose”
But…the biggest question asked was:
“Why wasn’t Michael on the floor instead of being in bed?” A doctor should know that revive someone on the floor has many more possibilities to be effective.
BORN: August 29, 1958, Gary, INDIANA, US
DEAD: June 25, 2009, Bel Air, L.A., US
ALSO KNOWN AS: The King of Pop, Wacko Jacko
BIGGEST HITS: I Want You Back, Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough, Thriller, Billie Jean, Bad, Black or White…
Jackson began his career as a child in his family group: THE JACKSON 5. Then, he got global fame as a solo artist with famous hits as “Billie Jean” or “Bad”. Thriller (made in 1982) is the biggest selling album of all the time. (65 million copies sold) according to the Guinness Book of World Records. He got 7 UK number ones and he won 13 Grammy Awards as well.
He was arrested in 2003 accused of an abuse of a 14-year-old boy, but finally he was found not guilty. This accusation caused him several problems and from that moment media got on top of him. All this affected very much his artistic career and caused him a big depression.
The star had three children: Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. (Prince Michael I), Paris Michael Katherine Jackson (Paris) and Prince Michael II (Blanket).
Michael Jackson was not treated fairly by the media, but even when his world was falling down he never gave up. He fought to show that he was more than a public character and the most important thing: he never stopped his fight for the rights of people and to make the world a better place.
He was The King and his job will be never on vain. As me, millions of people will always have his memory inside their hearts.
Ohhh Michael, he is the best singer on the history of pop!!!
ResponEliminaI think that this writting is great, I like it ;)
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