I don't know exactly how to begin this post because I know it will be the last one, so I don't want to forget anything important to say!
First of all, I have to say that it has been a year of a lot of changes for me in any sense. Personally, some old feelings have sprouted new shoots in me and now I know for sure that I'm completely incapable to leave them behind. Regarding my studies I've lived the most stressful year of my life! I had exams almost every week and also projects such as the endless research project. Nevertheless, there's just one thing which always remains wonderful to me: my family and my best friends! I'm a brave girl but without them I couldn't handle so many things! Don't take me wrong, I'm able to overcome any trouble on my own but if I hadn't them by my side I wouldn't have grounds for keep on fighting.
So, after telling you a little bit of my life I'm focusing on English subject. Well, what can I say about English? I adore it! When I have to do some homework from other subjects I probably found it quite boring but when I have to do something in English it doesn't took a lot of effort to me because I really love it.
Furthermore, this year our studies of English have been really gratifying! We've been practising English in any possible way: with listenings of any topic; writings from formal letters to news of nowadays facts; videos such as the Obama's speech (which I really liked), films, exercises photocopies and many more things...In my opinion all those things have been useful to everyone in class.
Nevertheless, I could realize that in my class there were many different levels of English. So, although our teacher tried to teach us all the necessary things to learn English and to get a good mark on Selectivitat as well she also had to reduce class level. I think it's fair, it's the plain truth, but maybe I'd liked to learn many more difficult things or, for example, do more listenings such the videos we saw in class.
However, I love my class and my classmates! So English classes were both educational and enjoyable! I really had a good time in all those hours! I also like our English teacher very much because she's always a positive woman and she's always saying that she believes in us, so she gives us straight one way or another.
As I said before, I love English so I'm always trying to learn a little bit more of it! For example, when I'm at home I watch many TV series in English with subtitles. I wish I was able someday to understand them without this little help! Anyway, I learn very much doing it by the time! Now, I just have finished my favourite ones and I'm looking forward to see new episodes! I don't know if you like them, but my favourite TV series nowadays are “The Big Bang Theory”, “Desperate Housewives” and “Sex and the City”. Woooooow, they're so amazing! With the first one I've learnt many jokes, play on words and especially how to say sarcastic sentences! With the second one I've learnt many more things such as phrasal verbs as “Knock it off”, “Don't get me wrong”, or also new sentences to me such as “How you dare?”, “I really mean it” or “Are you bribing me?”. Finally form the third one I've learnt lots of things which can be useful to conversations or writings, but I also learnt things which I should never use in a formal conversation or in my school homework. Moreover, I watch videos, films, reports, I read news and blogs...but what I like the most are songs! I love to learn all the lyrics of the songs I like and then understand what they mean. It seems a nonsense, but most of the words or sentences I use in my writings come from songs I've heard.
I think that's the reason why I like to do an English blog! I believe it is a good way to show our knowledge and also, even if we don't realize about it, our true feelings! Last year I spent so many hours writing my blog! But I swear I truly enjoyed every one of them! I talked about happiness, about life's sense, about love (I think I did it many times), about beauty and our society, about famous characters who I really admire... Unfortunately, this year our blog should be focus on real facts. I'm not trying to say that it wasn't a good idea...quite the opposite! It supposed a great effort to me so I think that I unconsciously leave my personal life apart to be able to understand other people's life or other facts which are completely alien to me. I'm a very sensitive person and for me it's almost impossible hide my feelings or my thoughts. However, I know that in a future, when I grow up and I finally get a job I will have to leave my feelings aside frequently, so it has been a very gratifying experience to me!
Lastly, I can't complain of anything but the time! If only I hadn't got so many exams and homework I could have done a wonderful job! Time went flying so I tried to do my best although when it seemed impossible. In any case, I'm quite proud of all the work I've done during all these year and I truly believe that anything of what I've done has been in vain! I made the most of my time to get a nice result and I think I almost get one of my main objectives!
This is it, Batxillerat is finally over and I'll miss so much all the things I've lived these wonderful two years! I just don't know what else to say, I just can tell you that there are so many feelings mixed in my stomach right now! I suppose they are nerves, joy, worries...which are always with me when I'm feeling both happy and lost with so many new things to come...!
Wow Ariadna! I'm thrilled! Now it's me who doesn't know what to say! Well, it really comforts and releases me that you liked the English lessons and that you enjoyed most of the tasks you've been doing. It's true, you positively deserved a higher level class, but the good thing of this project is that attention to diversity is better catered for than with other methodologies:with the blog, for instance you chose what you wanted to read and write, in the English classroom you could also select activities which suited your level...
ResponEliminaAnyway, I really want to CONGRATULATE you and I honestly wish you the best in your future: I'm sure you can be an excellent journalist! Good luck with the PAU exams.