diumenge, 22 de maig del 2011


"Fukushima: What happened - and what needs to be done"

In my opinion it has been a huge tragedy! Japanese people lives have changed overnight because of an earthquake which has had many terrible consequences, such as the destruction of flats and houses or the little escape of radioactive residues from nuclear stations. What can I say about this? Can we really blame someone for this nuclear failure? There are many opinions about this fact and most of them aren't really positive. Well, I have read some news about this awful fact and I reached some conclusions:

Maybe this nuclear stations were settled down in a very inappropriate place because they were really close to the sea and, as everyone knows, when earthquakes took place in the sea they destroy anything which surrounds it.

Furthermore, media around the world turns this fact into a tragedy while Japanese media says that there's no reason to panic. So, I wonder...which one says the truth? I think that Japan will be able to handle this because it's a rich and developed country but nuclear residues are really damaging and its consequences can affect us and our world even in the most imperceptible way.

Finally, I think that Japan must be helped by other rich countries such as China or USA on solving the consequences of this nuclear crisis. In any case, it's a serious thing and everyone should be aware of the dangers of nuclear power, although they cannot be seen immediately, because they can really damage Japan.


I don't know exactly how to begin this post because I know it will be the last one, so I don't want to forget anything important to say!

First of all, I have to say that it has been a year of a lot of changes for me in any sense. Personally, some old feelings have sprouted new shoots in me and now I know for sure that I'm completely incapable to leave them behind. Regarding my studies I've lived the most stressful year of my life! I had exams almost every week and also projects such as the endless research project. Nevertheless, there's just one thing which always remains wonderful to me: my family and my best friends! I'm a brave girl but without them I couldn't handle so many things! Don't take me wrong, I'm able to overcome any trouble on my own but if I hadn't them by my side I wouldn't have grounds for keep on fighting.

So, after telling you a little bit of my life I'm focusing on English subject. Well, what can I say about English? I adore it! When I have to do some homework from other subjects I probably found it quite boring but when I have to do something in English it doesn't took a lot of effort to me because I really love it.

Furthermore, this year our studies of English have been really gratifying! We've been practising English in any possible way: with listenings of any topic; writings from formal letters to news of nowadays facts; videos such as the Obama's speech (which I really liked), films, exercises photocopies and many more things...In my opinion all those things have been useful to everyone in class.

Nevertheless, I could realize that in my class there were many different levels of English. So, although our teacher tried to teach us all the necessary things to learn English and to get a good mark on Selectivitat as well she also had to reduce class level. I think it's fair, it's the plain truth, but maybe I'd liked to learn many more difficult things or, for example, do more listenings such the videos we saw in class.

However, I love my class and my classmates! So English classes were both educational and enjoyable! I really had a good time in all those hours! I also like our English teacher very much because she's always a positive woman and she's always saying that she believes in us, so she gives us straight one way or another.

As I said before, I love English so I'm always trying to learn a little bit more of it! For example, when I'm at home I watch many TV series in English with subtitles. I wish I was able someday to understand them without this little help! Anyway, I learn very much doing it by the time! Now, I just have finished my favourite ones and I'm looking forward to see new episodes! I don't know if you like them, but my favourite TV series nowadays are “The Big Bang Theory”, “Desperate Housewives” and “Sex and the City”. Woooooow, they're so amazing! With the first one I've learnt many jokes, play on words and especially how to say sarcastic sentences! With the second one I've learnt many more things such as phrasal verbs as “Knock it off”, “Don't get me wrong”, or also new sentences to me such as “How you dare?”, “I really mean it” or “Are you bribing me?”. Finally form the third one I've learnt lots of things which can be useful to conversations or writings, but I also learnt things which I should never use in a formal conversation or in my school homework. Moreover, I watch videos, films, reports, I read news and blogs...but what I like the most are songs! I love to learn all the lyrics of the songs I like and then understand what they mean. It seems a nonsense, but most of the words or sentences I use in my writings come from songs I've heard.

I think that's the reason why I like to do an English blog! I believe it is a good way to show our knowledge and also, even if we don't realize about it, our true feelings! Last year I spent so many hours writing my blog! But I swear I truly enjoyed every one of them! I talked about happiness, about life's sense, about love (I think I did it many times), about beauty and our society, about famous characters who I really admire... Unfortunately, this year our blog should be focus on real facts. I'm not trying to say that it wasn't a good idea...quite the opposite! It supposed a great effort to me so I think that I unconsciously leave my personal life apart to be able to understand other people's life or other facts which are completely alien to me. I'm a very sensitive person and for me it's almost impossible hide my feelings or my thoughts. However, I know that in a future, when I grow up and I finally get a job I will have to leave my feelings aside frequently, so it has been a very gratifying experience to me!

Lastly, I can't complain of anything but the time! If only I hadn't got so many exams and homework I could have done a wonderful job! Time went flying so I tried to do my best although when it seemed impossible. In any case, I'm quite proud of all the work I've done during all these year and I truly believe that anything of what I've done has been in vain! I made the most of my time to get a nice result and I think I almost get one of my main objectives!

This is it, Batxillerat is finally over and I'll miss so much all the things I've lived these wonderful two years! I just don't know what else to say, I just can tell you that there are so many feelings mixed in my stomach right now! I suppose they are nerves, joy, worries...which are always with me when I'm feeling both happy and lost with so many new things to come...!

dilluns, 16 de maig del 2011


A European investigation has revealed that human reactions to unfair situations cannot be controlled because they are produced automatically. The reason of these reactions is the increased amygdala’s activity.

According to this research, in this type of situations men seem more aggressive than women.

Moreover, when a person refuses to sharing something with another person, the brain of the last one has some mechanisms which make him react immediately. Furthermore, that person’s reaction is linked with his/her feelings of fairness or unfairness.

That’s the reason why investigators proved this justice sense in 35 players and they considered their brain activity with a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

They made up a game which is aimed at proposing a fixed sum of money from one player to another one. After this, they both have to share that money (as you can see, teams are formed by pairs). The last one can accept this suggestion and pick the money or reject it, in which case neither of them receives anything.

“If the sum of money which has to be distribute is one hundred Swedish crowns and they are divided into two players (50 and 50 crowns to each other) all of them accept this because they consider it fair”, says the study’s lead author and also researcher at the Karolinska Institute in Estocolm (Sweden).

Notwithstanding, if a player suggests he takes 80 crowns and gives to the other player just 20 crowns it will be absolutely considered unfair. This means that, almost in a half of these cases, the player who has to receive money rejects the suggestion, although he knows he will lose 20 crowns.

So, through functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experts have discovered that the brain area which is aimed at controlling financial decisions is in the amygdala and not in the prefrontal cortex and the insula, just as some other previous studies suggested. This brain region controls feelings of anger and fear and reacts to injustices as well.

After this, investigators can affirm that tendency to reacting in an aggressive way and penalize the player who suggested an unfair distribution of the money was connected to an increased amygdala activity.

It did not happen the same when tranquilizers were delivered to players because they became antianxiety with just a benzodiazepine. In these situations all the players showed less activity in this brain region although the money was unfairly distributed.

In addition, investigators’ studies prove that when a situation like this happens to a woman their reactions are not registered when tranquilizers have been delivered to them, while men respond in any case in an aggressive way.

Finally, another author of the study points out that “The final result may have ethical implications because the use or abuse of some medicines can clearly affect our daily decisions.

diumenge, 15 de maig del 2011


Last Wednesday, Murcia was shaken by an earthquake which was due to the interaction between two tectonic plates: the Iberian plate and the African plate.

Experts believe that the continuous movement of these plates of the earth’s crust is exactly what turns Peninsula’s southeast into a seismically active zone.

According to the “Instituto Geográfico Nacional” it was a 4.5 magnitude earthquake in Richter’s scale. This earthquake took place about 17:05 hours and then Lorca town (Murcia) started shaking. Unfortunately, this catastrophe had its epicentre in Lorca’s northeast so it was followed by a 5.1 aftershock which was even more destructive.

Yesterday throughout the afternoon and evening there were some more aftershocks, including a 3.9 degrees earthquake. Sources of “Red Sísmica del Instituto Geográfico” affirm that the strongest earthquakes here were registered on southeast Spain at least 500 years ago.

Experts pointed out that the second earthquake was “probably” the main earthquake. It meant that according to scientific terminology the first one (which began at 17:05 pm) could be classified as a premonitory earth temblor. Both eartquakes have also got to Murcia, Albacete, Almería, Jaén, Granada, Málaga and Sevilla, but in a smoothest way.

Natural hazards technician from the Delegation of the Government of Murcia Sofía González has explained that Lorca’s earthquake has caused many deaths and hundreds of injured so far, considering that it released energy similar to energy produced by 2 million Kg of explosives.

For his part, Jaén University geologist Juan Jiménez has pointed out that earthquakes which took place last Wednesday are related to the activity of Alhama’s fault in Murcia. This fault belongs to a great system of faults situated in northeast-southeast, which is extended from Almería to Alicante and it’s known as Trans-Alborán shear zone. Its global movement system is similar to the system developed by San Andres’ fault in California, although the first one has a lower magnitude. Trans-Alborán shear zone makes the southeast Iberian Peninsula segment move progressively to the northeast.

The length and continuity of this fault system is the largest of the Baetic system so, it has become the most propitious system to generating large earthquakes. During all these years many earthquakes have taken place in these zone so they confirm that in Spain south coasts and North Africa there’s a high risk of earthquakes. According to Jiménez, the high destructive effect of last Wednesday earthquakes is due to a simple fact: the hypocentre (depth where the earthquake is situated) is less than 1 Km away, according to the first seismic data

In my opinion, this has been a tragedy! Lives of all those people have changed overnight and that's the worst thing which can happen to anyone's life! I don't know if I could handle all this pain! I truly hope they can get their old lives back, or at least a similar ones, as soon as possible! All my thoughts are with them right now! Let's hope Goverment help them in everything it can! I wish them the best!:)

If you are interested in earthquakes I have pasted into this page a link of “Muy Intesesante” magazine which talks about the largest earthquakes of all the time.



A grandfather is talking to his grandson about the really important things in life. He also wants him to know their family traditions, their origins, and especially tell him that he and his ancestors put in a lot of effort to RAISE UP their children...Bobby (grandfather) is an elderly man and an experimented farmer as well. He was born in a farmhouse close to his family’s farm. Since he was a child he helped all his family in everything he could and he has completely devoted himself to his farm tasks, so he has spent all his life working really hard in order to earn enough money to live happily. Nevertheless, the atmosphere becomes tense when his grandson confesses him he doesn’t want to KEEP ON his family traditions anymore. Everything happened like this…

-Hi little Johnny!

-Hi grandpa! Is everything alright?

-Oh…yes! Yes, yes it is! Everything is fine!

-Are you ok grandpa? You seem quite worried but I don’t know why…

-Well, the truth is that there’s something I’d like to tell you…

-What do you want to tell me? What has happened grandpa?

-No, no…nothing has happened. It’s just about you and me and our family traditions.

-Oh, thanks God! I was expecting bad news!

-No…It’s just that we have never talked about this before and…you know, I know it’s silly but I don’t know exactly how to begin…

-Don't worry! It’s alright grandpa. Take your time, I’ve got all the time of the world to hear you!

-I know, I know…You’re a really nice guy Johnny and you have GROWN UP so quickly… I’m sure you’ll be a great family man!

-Oh…KNOCK IT OFF grandpa! I think I know what you mean…

-Johnny, don’t you misbehave please! I’m just saying that you are already sixteen and you should start thinking about KEEPING UP WITH your family traditions!

-No grandpa…I have told you this hundreds of times! I GET ACROSS your good intentions, but I don’t want to be a farmer. I want to be a doctor grandpa…the best one! And I want to travel around the world to cure the needy!

-But this is your home Johnny! That’s the only place you must LAY DOWN in! My ancestors SETTELED DOWN in Wisteria Lane many years ago and since then all of them have worked in this job! Why do you want to RUN AWAY from us?

-I don’t want to RUN AWAY grandpa! You know I love my family with all my heart. However, times have changed and I have a future out there which could be amazing! So, if something goes wrong out there, I’m ready to PAY FOR the consequences of my acts.

-Sorry dear, I cannot understand you…

-I’m not ASKING FOR your understanding , I just want you to support me in everything I do as I’ll do with you!

-Oh, son! I love you too much to be angry with you! Have for sure that I’ll be by your side, no matter the way you take!

-Oh…you’re wonderful grandpa! I truly love you!

-I love you too my little Johnny.

-I’ve already SIGNED UP a registration to study in Oxford’s University.

-And when will you leave?

-I’m GOING OFF to London next month!

-Oh, God, so soon? I can’t believe it!

-Yes, grandpa! I’m already a big boy, don’t you forget it!

-Yes, I know…It’s just that I’ll miss you so much!

-Me too grandpa, but I promise I’ll visit you every holidays.

-I hope so! And I promise I’ll SEE you OFF at the airport every time you leave!

-Ok, I’m glad to hear it!

-I hope life treats you well. You deserve the best son!

-You too grandpa. And now…why don’t we go downtown? I’m hungry and we could have breakfast together! What do you say?

-I think this is a great idea my little Johnny!

dijous, 5 de maig del 2011


A Spanish and American team of investigators has developed an optical sensor which is based on crystal clear structure of golden nanoparticles and it’s able to detect some infectious proteins in our body before taking the first symptoms.

This innovation would mean a great advance in the early detection of diseases such as the BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy), or even in future Alzheimer and Parkinson.

Actually, the key element of this new method is the supercrystal it generates. Supercrystal is able to work as a microscopic antenna which identifies pathogenic molecules.

Scientists explain through their research that the sensor they have made can detect nearly ten prions (infectious proteins with altered secondary structure) per litter of blood. So, we could say that this new discovered crystal would be able to find a needle in a haystack.
Rafael Álvarez, the main scientist of this study explains that after immersing the supercrystal they’ve made with the optical sensor in a plasma sample or centrifuged blood “the sensor, which generates extremely high electric field on crystal’s surface, produces to us in an amplified way the signal which bounces off the prions”.

Thereby, the quantity of infectious proteins which exist in blood can be observed easily.
Nevertheless, the most interesting part of this development is its application. After years of investigation and waiting it has been discovered that illnesses such as Parkinson or Alzheimer have a prion origin. So, as Álvarez points out, early diagnosis systems could be designed to these diseases long before the first symptoms were found/could be found.

Furthermore, investigators affirm that some illnesses with a prion origin, such as the BSE, can be efficiently detected nowadays.

All this work has been developed by Spanish investigators from CSIS in collaboration with American scientists. Lastly, their studies, investigations and discoveries have been published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) magazine.

dimecres, 4 de maig del 2011


USA President Barack Obama announced Osama Bin Laden’s death last Sunday 1st May, the International Worker’s Day. Just few hours later, this piece of news outshined any other happening and everyone in the world was informed about this fact. Since this news came to light both praises and hard criticism have surrounded Bin Laden’s death. I’d like to share my opinion about this topic, but first I’m summarizing the most outstanding facts everyone should be aware of this happening.

Firstly, everyone must know who’s the man I’m talking about. Bin Laden was the Al-Qaeda leader and founder as well. Al-Qaeda is a terrorist organization aimed at committing violent attacks to those who they consider that can be a threat to Islam religion or Islam society, in short, the people they consider possible enemies. Nevertheless, the problem of these attacks is that they don’t only kill possible enemies but also lots of innocent people.

Besides, he was accused of being the mastermind behind the worst terrorist attacks in the USA and Europe. So, he is believed to have ordered the attacks on New York and Washington on 11th September 2001 and a number of others. That’s the reason why Bin Laden was top of the US “most wanted” list until last week because he evaded the forces of the US and its allies for almost a decade.

Now, you’ll probably wonder…and how could the US forces took him after so long? Well, they had already started their search in 2001 but they couldn’t find any clue of his hiding place, so his whereabouts are completely unknown until 2007: the identity of one of Osama’s couriers was discovered four years ago. His area of operation was found two years ago and finally last August US Forces founded his residence in Abbottabad. As a result of this discovery, US forces began their mission, which took many months.

Therefore, Osama Bin Laden was killed by the US forces in Pakistan when they finally found him. He was shot dead in a ground operation after resisting. There were also other victims in this attack: three other men (one of Bin Laden’s sons and two couriers) were killed in the raid and also some women who were used as a shield. After this fire fight US forces took possession of Bin Laden’s body. The Al-Qaeda leader was buried at the sea after a Muslim funeral on board an aircraft carrier. He was buried at the sea to prevent that his burial place could become a shrine. Although many people think that the death body doesn’t belong to Bin Laden, US forces did him some DNA tests to confirm his identity. Bin Laden was 54 years old.

On the other hand, when Obama was informed about this happening he did an emotional speech the night of 1st May. President Obama said that Osama’s death was “the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat Al-Qaeda”. Following, crowds gathered outside the White House (Washington) and Times Square (New York) as well chanting “USA, USA!”. It’s also important to remember that all world leaders welcomed the news of Bin Laden’s death.

Nevertheless, US aren’t in a safe place at all. The media has already informed that Al-Qaeda members may want revenge. So, they have to protect more than ever their inhabitants because no one can predict when this revenge attack will took place so far.

Well, in my opinion Osama Bin Laden deserved a long and painful death. Anyway, I think that US forces and Barack Obama this time didn’t take the appropriate decision. Everyone knows that Bin Laden was a criminal, but as any other criminal he is entitled to be tried and sentenced by the Supreme Court. I think that this act has just caused anger between members of Al-Qaeda, so President and Us Forces have threatened once again the lives of many innocent people. I’m not trying to say that it was completely unfair; I’m just saying that it sounds like they have done it this way just for their own benefit. And now I wonder…What about us? Have they thought about the possibility of another terrorist attack? Maybe sometimes governments should stop thinking about money, promotion and votes and ensure our welfare and above all protect us.