I really believe that I’ve improved my English a lot this year. The best example of it is my blog. My blog is my way to go away from everything. I like to write all my thoughts there because there are always so many things rounding my head that it’s impossible to do not write them down. I often talk about feelings, especially about love. The reason why I have so many writings about this topic is that I feel really indentified with it, and probably the great majority of my thoughts are related to it. Moreover, I think that if I talk about something which really matters to me I will be able to be interest in it much more in my redaction and also I will try to express my true opinion about it properly.
Maybe I saw a great change in my writing comparing my first your-say with my last your-say. My first your-say was a Coldplay’s song called “Fix You”. It’s a lovely song and I like it very much, so I decided to start with it my blog. Now, I’m writing this post again and I can believe how much my your-says have changed during this year. In this post I only wrote a short opinion which deals with feelings. To write it I used simply adjectives and quite repetitive sentences in order to get a nice opinion. From this writing until now I have learnt much more vocabulary, linking words or phrasal verbs. So, with them it’s easier to do better writings. And even I’ve learnt expressions and idioms as: “In the twinkling of an eye” or “what goes around…comes around”
On the contrary, when I read my post called “A BRONX TALE” I’m not able to remember how I could make up it. This time, I tried to use many more linking words, 1st and 2nd conditionals (because we’re studying them in class), short and long sentences but well sorted out and especially new vocabulary. I also wrote down two important morals, and I explain them from my point of view. Since 2009 until now my English has become terribly changed! And I’m really happy for it!
but in “A BRONX TALE” my sentences were as: “Everyone knows that Sonny is really vengeful and that he has no qualms”, “he tries desperately to stop it and make his son realized that he’s heading for a trouble” or “once more: if you sometimes try to stop thinking selfishly in yourself and give your help to the people who really need it, always remember that your acts won’t be on vain”
“FIX YOU”: http://somewhereonlyweknoow.blogspot.com/2009/10/fix-you-coldplay.html
“A BRONX TALE”: http://somewhereonlyweknoow.blogspot.com/2010/05/bronx-tale.html
If I had to say an effective way to learn English it would be my blog with no doubt. I’m really interested in English and I know I still have a very low level of pronouncing and writing. That’s the reason why I’m always looking up new words, or trying to add things I’ve learnt in class during this year. Probably, the best reflection of my improvement is one of my 3rd term writings: “THINGS WHICH MAKE LIFE WONDERFUL”. Before writing it, I couldn’t imagine that I would get a post like this! To me, I got a pretty good result! I want you to explain how I wrote it…if I remember well, it was a typical Tuesday or Wednesday, I was in my grandma’s house studying because the next day I has a difficult exam. I wasn’t very concentrated on my notes because as usual I was in my own world. Suddenly, an idea appeared in my head: How many things make life wonderful? Would it be a good topic to talk about? And following it I caught a paper and I started writing every sentence which was in my thoughts. The final result of it was: “THINGS WHICH MAKE LIFE WONDERFUL”, as you can see: http://somewhereonlyweknoow.blogspot.com/2010/05/things-which-make-life-wonderful.html
However, read some books (The Diary of Adrian Mole, Frankenstein and Sense & Sensibility), speaking English in class, do oral presentations and listenings are useful to learn English. Furthermore, another useful way to learn a language (apart from writing a blog) is watch TV and movies in English, or in the language you want to learn. I prefer to have subtitles on it, because I can see exactly what the characters are saying and I try to remember new words and expressions. My eldest brother likes to watch TV in English since he was living in Australia, but he prefers to see it with no subtitles instead of reading them. So, when I’m with him we watch TV series or movies in original version. Therefore, I believe that they’re both good ways to learn.
The best pieces of advice I can give you is that every little thing you learn will never be useless. Everything you learn will give you more knowledge and might be useful to you in the future. So, don’t ever thing that a writing or maybe a simply song won’t give you anything, because even if it seems quite difficult, if you carry on doing it, you will learn very much!
“FIX YOU”: http://somewhereonlyweknoow.blogspot.com/2009/10/fix-you-coldplay.html
“A BRONX TALE”: http://somewhereonlyweknoow.blogspot.com/2010/05/bronx-tale.html
If I had to say an effective way to learn English it would be my blog with no doubt. I’m really interested in English and I know I still have a very low level of pronouncing and writing. That’s the reason why I’m always looking up new words, or trying to add things I’ve learnt in class during this year. Probably, the best reflection of my improvement is one of my 3rd term writings: “THINGS WHICH MAKE LIFE WONDERFUL”. Before writing it, I couldn’t imagine that I would get a post like this! To me, I got a pretty good result! I want you to explain how I wrote it…if I remember well, it was a typical Tuesday or Wednesday, I was in my grandma’s house studying because the next day I has a difficult exam. I wasn’t very concentrated on my notes because as usual I was in my own world. Suddenly, an idea appeared in my head: How many things make life wonderful? Would it be a good topic to talk about? And following it I caught a paper and I started writing every sentence which was in my thoughts. The final result of it was: “THINGS WHICH MAKE LIFE WONDERFUL”, as you can see: http://somewhereonlyweknoow.blogspot.com/2010/05/things-which-make-life-wonderful.html
However, read some books (The Diary of Adrian Mole, Frankenstein and Sense & Sensibility), speaking English in class, do oral presentations and listenings are useful to learn English. Furthermore, another useful way to learn a language (apart from writing a blog) is watch TV and movies in English, or in the language you want to learn. I prefer to have subtitles on it, because I can see exactly what the characters are saying and I try to remember new words and expressions. My eldest brother likes to watch TV in English since he was living in Australia, but he prefers to see it with no subtitles instead of reading them. So, when I’m with him we watch TV series or movies in original version. Therefore, I believe that they’re both good ways to learn.
The best pieces of advice I can give you is that every little thing you learn will never be useless. Everything you learn will give you more knowledge and might be useful to you in the future. So, don’t ever thing that a writing or maybe a simply song won’t give you anything, because even if it seems quite difficult, if you carry on doing it, you will learn very much!
Finally, I would like to do again a blog the next year. Now, I’m afraid because I think I won’t have new topics to talk about. But summer is coming, and I still have to live many more experiences! Also, the world doesn’t ever stop for a minute…so, next year, I might write about lots and lots of things!