I always think about this, and it’s true, everyone has wishes. Of course, they can be all very different, but we attach much importance to them.We can have a wish which is more than a dream for us, or maybe we can only want something stupid. Anyway, we like to believe in them because when we did it we feel hope, we feel happiness about something really fond for us.We always look forward to be able one day to carry out our dreams. These kinds of dreams are very often impossible. We know that is really complicated make them true, but we prefer to not think very much about it and try to never lose our hopes.
I have so many dreams to come true…
I would like to have my good friends for ever, and whatever happens never lose them. I would love to see someone who I love with all my own and spent as much time as possible, or all the time I have by his side. I also would like to know something else about him, even just silly things, because he’s very far and I’m afraid to forget him. I would like to be understood by my friends, because they never understand me when I talk about it. I would like to continue with my life, but only if I know for sure that he will be right. I would love to fly and forget all my troubles above the clouds. I would like to be able to help every unfortunately person and be able to eradicate poverty, hunger and wars around the world. I would love to have magic powers and live happily in my own world, with my loved ones and enjoy every moment together until our last days. I would love to be able to make happy everyone that is living a hard situation, I wish I could remove all the pain inside them. I would love to find the cures for all the illnesses (physical and psychic). I’m still thinking of him, I know it’s crazy and silly. I think about him over and over again. I would love to see him right now. I would love to meet him again and forget everything: feel all those feelings which I felt before, when he was with me. I would love to don’t take care about anything, just think for myself…even just for a minute. I would love to do craziness with him, as go somewhere where nothing else matters or make another wish come true, as write our names on a padlock, lock it up on the most famous bridge of Roma, where there are plenty of these, and throw the keys on the river which means that our love is for ever. I would be the happiest person in the whole world if one day I could do this. I would love to feel that the world, or perhaps my own world, wants to stop for a while when I’m with him. I would love to see those blue eyes for the last time. I would love to repeat that “last time” at least more than a thousand times. I would love to hold him tight and feel that my long wait was worth. I would like to be sometimes out of love…or maybe not. I would love to tell him that I love him, not because everyone says this, just because I feel it. I could be saying it all my life…I would love…
As you can see my wishes list has no ending. At the beginning I wanted to tell you my biggest wish, but when I start to write about this…nobody can stop me. Well, I think that I have enough time to talk about my biggest wish. This wish is…be able to travel around the world, that’s my first dream. I want to visit so many places, know so many different cultures, live so many new experiences… I would like to have enough money to do it. If I get it I will travel everywhere but always with my best friends. I was talking with a good friend of mine and we have already chosen some places to visit soon. I’ll tell you my favorite places to visit…
when I’ll be seventeen, Paris could be our destination. We want to visit Paris because is known as THE CITY OF LOVE. But also, I think it would be an unforgettable travel because we would go there by car, and it would be very fun!

When I’ll be eighteen we want to travel to Ibiza! In this Island the weather is hot, people are amusing and cheerful and party never ends!!

When I’ll be nineteen we want to visit Dubai, because it seems the paradise and as well that friend of mine knows very much about Dubai’s culture and history.

When I’ll be twenty we want to go to Italy, and luckily could meet my friends! Italy is simply…spectacular. I’ve just been there once, but I’m dying to visit it again. Italy has many beautiful places to visit, and everything is so romantiiiiiic there!!

And finally, when I’ll be twenty one we want to travel to Las Vegas, in Nevada. We will wait some years to go there because in the U.S.A. you can only go into the pubs and casinos if you’re twenty one years old. Las Vegas is the city of vice and everybody says that you must go there. But we’ll have to be careful with our money, if we don’t want to lose it playing! As well people usually go to Las Vegas to get married, and that’s also one of my wishes. It would be unimaginable, but also a perfect experience! I imagine going there with the boy I’m in love, and get married there! Because is not the typical way of marrying someone. We would disguise ourselves of famous old stars, drink a little and have a lot of fun together!
Those are our prepared trips for the moment. We like to talk about it and imagine how amazing could be everything. But, that’s not all! I still have places to visit, as…Thailand, South Africa, China, all U.S.A., Caribe islands, Holland…and with no doubt Andalucía and London as many times as possible.
I love to travel around the world, and I don’t want to die before I visit at least half of those places.
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