To beginning I will say that I’m completely opposite against racist people. Why hate someone who’s just like you? Why look down to somebody who has the same rights than you? I think that it’s something vain and thoughtless. People always judge the others only to be different than them, we are full of prejudices and these prejudices don’t let us realize that behind all those differences we are simply the same.
What means the colour of our skin or our origin? I think that they are a part of us, but they don’t have to be a handicap between us. Is unimaginable how people can judge someone when they didn’t even know him. We think that we have the right to say who matters and who is secondary, just for the appearances. I’m sick of this bad behaviour, I can’t understand why we don’t show respect to some people when we should have all the same treat.
Everybody has different points of view, we know it. But it isn’t a reason to act like this with the others. We have to be solitaries with everybody, because maybe when day we will need their help.
I could talk about so many things related to racism… Tell me, why are there so many people who think they’re better than the others? How can exist people who enjoy hurting other people just because the appearances?
I’m sick of it, I can’t believe why they do it. There are people who seem to don’t have heart with it. I can recognize that maybe we used to judge anyone by the first impression, but we still have time to change it. We can’t know anything just for the colour of the skin or the language. With this writing I would like to do a reflection, and see that racism should be removed for us. With racism there are no winners, but there are lots of losers. Why go on with something which doesn’t give us anything positive?
I propose some advices to make a change in our lives!
First of all…
-DO NOT EVER JUDGE ANYBODY. A colour just means the race, but it’s not related with the feelings or the character of that person.
-DON’T EVER FEEL BETTER THAN THE OTHERS. Everybody has good and bad things. We don’t have enough reasons to look down on someone for it.
-DON’T HATE ANYBODY. Hate only brings more hate. If you don’t agree with somebody, or if you don’t understand his behaviour, just forget it! The world is full of people, and sometimes we won’t feel well with some of them. But don’t worry, don’t waste your time hating someone, just try to understand that you’re are not compatible but you will respect each other.
-RESPECT ALWAYS: It’s a part of the human’s rights. You have to respect the others if you want to get the same. Without caring the appearances everybody has to be respected by the others. If you want to change our world, that’s one of the first steps. Respect means understand the others (with all their virtues and defects) and don’t give importance to what they seem, just see that behind everything we are the same.
-GIVE HELP WHO MORE NEED IT: We live in a privileged country, and our parents always gave us the best. We grew up with any problems around us, and when we were children money or hunger were things completely unknown for us. Luckily we never suffered it, but not everybody has a life so wonderful… Because it, we should help everyone who need it. We don’t have to spend a lot of money for it, because nowadays we’re living a difficult economic situation, but we can help people with not much money. We can join to solitary organisations; we can be godfathers of poor children giving them some money every month.
We can find old things in our home, or clothes that we don’t wear now, and before to throw out them we should give them to poor people. For us old things and old clothes seem something unusual, but they would help a lot those people.
-TRY TO AVOID RACISM SITUATIONS: If we see that someone is failing the advices you must react. People like this have to change, and we can help them to do it. We have to try to explain that they’re going wrong, and make them see the good way. If we do it, we will be helping the others, and we will be collaborating to change the world.
As you can see, there are also many things to do…but I think that if we start with those easy advices we will succeed in the end.
When I talk about racism I always remember Michael Jackson’s songs. It’s impossible to describe him, and his enormous heart, but maybe his lyrics say enough about him. I use him like an example because he was always trying to help everybody, and he was always criticized and bad treated for a lot of people. He lived a hard childhood, and when he was adult his behaviour was quite surprising. But that’s not reason to make someone feel so bad, or treat someone like this. He was great, he was gorgeous, and the most important: he was always trying to change the world, and make it a better place.
To finish my writing I’d like to say that I’m proud of the result of it. I had clear that I wanted to do something about racism, but when started I didn’t know that I could feel so well knowing that I don’t have to be rich to change the world, or have influences. I can change it with little things, day after day, giving my best to the people who really deserve it.