diumenge, 24 d’abril del 2011


"It's time to come together. What's important is not what's gone, but what remains"

There’s a lot of meaning in that sentence.

Nowadays, our world is evolving very quickly and it seems that we aren’t able to stop it. We human have created television when the only way of being aware of the world’s news was the radio; we have created computers and mobile phones to be able of communicate with everyone we want, no matter how far is that person from us; we have created a lot of ways of producing electricity because in the beginning the only light human could enjoy was the sun light; we also have discovered petrol, which is all the automobile’s fuel, we have discovered golden, diamonds… and we have created coins and bills, which are known as money, as a way to exchange products.

We can assure that the world has been unbelievably changed thanks to human’s innovations. But my great question is…are all this innovations something positive? Have we changed the world for good or for ill?

If we stop thinking for a while we would realize that there are in the world many proofs which show the damaging caused by human on Earth. We have built countless industries around the world during all these years and these industries give off great quantities of toxic residues up to our atmosphere. As a result of this, in Australia there’s already a hole in the ozone layer. Furthermore, our automobiles’ combustible generates also toxic fumes which become a great contribution to our world’s pollution. Pollution especially affects the big cities, and nowadays if you go to any capital or big city in the world you will realize that there is not much fresh air in there. You also will see that people who lives there walks in a stressful way, eats fast and doesn’t pay much attention to the things which really matter in life such as relationships or our health.

I know that it may sound alarming, but those are the harsh facts. Moreover, we cannot forget the injustices and inequalities which exist around the world. Rich countries have granted privileges themselves and have taken over the entire world’s source of income. So, even if they’re going through bad times they know for sure they will be helped by any other privileged country. Meanwhile, the inhabitants of poor countries are obligated to resign themselves to living a situation completely opposite. They have to work plenty of hours for the minimum wage which is used to be the half or one third of the rich countries’ minimum wage. In addition, the great majority of them work in deplorable conditions and live in unsteady constructions.

Well, those are only some of the world’s differences between classes and/or countries. That’s the reason why I think that from now on we should leave our differences aside and we should fight together for what joins us and makes us equal: OUR WORLD. There cannot be the slightest doubt that everyone of us knows that we cannot get it if we just keep looking for our own good.

Therefore, there’s only a possible solution. We have damaged enough the environment with our selfish behaviour and now it’s time to take care of it. There are still a lot of things to do and we still have the chance of return the world anything it deserves to preserve its original beauty. If we act properly we will save a lot of species in extinction, we will preserve more quantities of water, we will reduce pollution so we will contribute in the conservation of the Poles or finally enjoy of fresh air…

Unfortunately, this act involves a great work for our part. Furthermore, it also involves a lot of money (for example: if we want to make the world a better place we have to use renewable energy and it needs a lot of economic help) and especially each one’s completely unselfish will. This is it. So, as the saying goes: IF THERE’S A WILL, THERE’S A WAY.

dissabte, 23 d’abril del 2011


9 Major Square
Nuclear Organization

14th April 2011

Mr. John Rich World Nuclear Organization director general

Dear Mr John Rich,

I am writing this letter in order to let you know my opinion about nuclear energy and the nuclear industries.

First of all, I would like to say that although nuclear industries are producing nearly half of the world’s energy such as illumination or electricity, they are really dangerous both for our health and especially for our life.

I would like to emphasize the fact that we live in a world surrounded by new technologies and almost everyone of us depends on computers, mobile phones, television…So, I can admit that all those types of energy have become essential to us.

Nevertheless, as I said before, the energy produced on nuclear stations can become really damaging to our health. A recent example of it was the leakage of one of the Japan’s nuclear stations. That is the reason why I am wondering if it is useful producing so much energy from those places.

On the other hand, I would like to remind you that we are all in danger nowadays because everyone of us lives surrounded by nuclear stations. So, a little failure in the procedures of any nuclear station would immediately become a great disaster. It could cause death and many incurable diseases as well.

Finally, I would like to propose you many other ways of producing energy, especially renewable energy. I know for sure that building those nuclear stations can be expensive but it would provide us doses of energy which would not be damaging for the environment and it could be used over and over again.

So, I will be really grateful to you if you reconsider my proposal. Perhaps with each other’s help we would make the world a better place to live. Furthermore, the use of renewable energies would ensure us a safer and healthier life because it would reduce all the pollution caused by nuclear stations and also their dangers.

Lastly, I just like to remind that I would really appreciate your opinion about my letter.

Yours sincerely,


diumenge, 10 d’abril del 2011


Investigators of the University of Michigan (US) have revealed to a magazine called “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” (PNAS) that physical pain and intense feelings caused by social rejection can hurt us in the same way. Their investigation proves that the brain regions which respond to painful sensorial experiences are also activated during the intense experiences of social rejection.

To reach this conclusion, Dr. Cross and his colleagues interviewed forty people who had suffered from a break-up in the last six months. All of them confessed that when they were thinking about the breaking-up experience they felt absolutely rejected.

Every participant completed two tasks in the study. One of the tasks was related to their feelings of rejection; the other one was related to the feelings which generate a painful, but tolerable, stimulus (such as when we have our hand in a cup of hot coffee).

Participants carried out all the tasks while they were being subjected to Functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI). Doctors realized that the strong feelings of rejection were able to activate the brain regions which are involved in physical pain feeling. Surprisingly, both painful experiences and social rejection feeling come into operation neurons in the secondary somatosensory cortex and the dorsal posterior insula.

In any case, the final results agree with the popular wisdom, because, as everyone knows, almost all cultures use similar terms to describe experiences of physical pain and experiences of social rejection as well, such as “pain” or “hurt”.

dijous, 7 d’abril del 2011


This is Li Fu’s story. He went to the doctor after complaining of a heavy headache. He used to suffer from headaches frequently, so he thought that it would be a simply chronic migraine. In any case, he was completely wrong. Li Fu didn’t know that he was going to be surprised at all!

Doctors scanned Fu's head while they were treating his case. Unexpectedly, when doctors could finally see the scan results they found out that Li Fu’s pain wasn’t only a chronic illness, but also a 10 centimetres blade trapped in his brain for almost four years.
To understand better this unbelievable fact, you should know that it has a simply explanation.

Li Fu, from Yunnan (China) was accidentally stabbed during a robbery which took place in 2006 and unfortunately this blade had stuck deeply in his cranium. Despite receiving medical treatment because of his injuries, doctors didn’t realize about this little trouble. This mistake caused severe headaches on this 37-year-old man’s head but any doctor could diagnose the real reason of this incurable pain until some months ago.

From the robbery’s day headaches and discomfort never deserted Li Fu, so he decided to find a solution to his nightmare once and for all. This was the reason why he visited his doctor some months ago. Fortunately, that day he could finally know the truth about all this trouble. Doctors, after an X-rays inspection discovered the unbelievable reason of Li Fu’s chronic migraines.

Nevertheless, much time had gone by after the robbery, so Li and his family didn’t believe the X-rays result at first. Therefore, he asked for a second professional opinion before giving doctors permission to operate him. The second doctor confirmed other doctor’s suspicions. Following, Li Fu had an operation and doctors finally extracted the knife. The intervention result was really satisfactory. Li stayed in hospital some days and he was completely cured and safe.

Surgeons were really stunned with this case because it was completely different than they are used to operate. To him, it’s a miracle Li Fu is alive after suffering from a stub in a so delicate body part. Furthermore, they still cannot believe that no one realized about the knife after being stuck in his head so much time.

The most surprising thing about Li’s case is that the knife was almost intact when doctors extracted it.