diumenge, 6 de març del 2011
Diana Frances Spencer was the adorable Princess of Gales. She was known as Lady Di.
Diana was born into an old, aristocratic English family with royal ancestry and she was Prince Charles’ chosen one to marry him. When thay make their engagement official she was just a young woman while her fiancé was almost a middle-aged man. Age wasn’t a problem for them, so they married on 29th July, in 1981. During this marriage Diana had two sons who loved with all her heart.
Diana was admired for all the British population because she was an unconventional princess. She was a free person and she liked to meet famous people such as her old friend Elton John. British royalty never approved of Diana’s behaviour and the situation between Diana and them was getting tense.
Nevertheless, it wasn’t the only reason of Diana and Prince Charles’ divorce, in 1995. Apart from this, In the media began circulating rumours about Charles and his lover, Camila Parker Bowles (who is his wife now). Those kind of rumours were getting bigger and bigger and everyone though they were true. Diana loved Charles but she couldn’t afford this situation much more and decided to leave all the falsehood of royalty’s world. Her last words to the media were "Yes, I loved him. Yes, I adored him, but there were three of us in this marriage."
In 1997, Diana started dating Dodi Al-Fayed, son of her host that summer, Mohamed Al-Fayed. After this, Diana spent a peacefully holidays with her boyfriend and her sons. Dodi contracted security services and also rent a multi-million apartment to make sure nobody would disturb them.
Diana’s death is also a great mystery. Everything happened on 31st August, in 1997. Diana was in Paris with his boyfriend Dodi. The media was following them all the time, so they were trying to escape form them with their car. When Dodi entered in a tunnel he crashed his car while he was trying to shake paparazzi off. He and Lady Di were fatally injured so they died right there. The whole world was dismayed with this fact, especially Diana’s sons Harry and William who loved deeply their mother.
There are still many rumors about Dodi and Diana’s accident. There people who say that royal family hire someone to make car’s breaches fail. There’s also people who said that it’s just media’s fault. If they let Diana and Dodi enjoy their travel peacefully, Dodi would never had run so fast and they never had crashed into that tunnel.
It’s important to say that Kurt suffered from chronic bronchitis and also undiagnosed stomach condition since he was a child. He starts consuming marijuana when he was only thirteen years old. He was a hyperactive child with lack of attention. Later, as a man, doctors diagnosed him with bipolar disorder. Cobain use to be depressed because he didn’t liked the world he lived in. He was a sad person with a great heart, but he was always misunderstood. Kurt was also alcoholic and in 1986, he began consuming heroin.
On 1st March, in 1994, Courtney Love phoned police telling them that Kurt committed suicide with a gun in a room. After shooting himself, Kurt wrote a goodbye note to his childhood imaginary friend “Boddah”. In the autopsy, doctors found high levels of heroin and valium in his system. Nevertheless, rumours say that it wasn’t a suicide at all. There are people who believe that Courtney Love, his wife then, hired someone to kill his husband because they were always arguing and she was dating another man as well.
He transmitted with his music and his arts all his feelings. He spent all his life fighting for the global peace and also for political causes. His fight was just made of powerful words. In 1962, his lifelong girlfriend Cynthia Powell was pregnant so John decided to ask her to marry him. Their son Julian Lennon was born the following year. In 1967 they divorced because of John Lennon’s consume of LSD and his lack of attention to his wife. In the late 60’s John met Yoko Ono, his true love. They had a lot of thing in common: their biggest wish was make the world a peacefully and fair place for everyone. There are people who say that John and Yoko start seeing each other while John was still married. In any case, Yoko was pregnant in 1968.
In the early 70’s he broke up with his band and he started his solo career. From that moment he and Yoko became inseparables. They did everything together: they protest against wars, they painted, they did photo-shoots…In short, Yoko Ono and John Lennon were absolutely soul mates.
This braking-off affected Heath Ledger very much. From that moment, he start drinking and consuming drugs more than ever and a deep depression took possession of him. Days went by, but he wasn’t able to be happy. He start filming “The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus”. Everyone on the set confesses that Heath’s sad personality made them perfect to interpret the main character of the film.
At his early professional years, Gianni designed lather clothes, which were especially for hunters. Few years later, Gianni designer for the first time women clothes and presented them at the Palazzo della Permanente Art Museum of Milan. The next year, he also designed a collection for men. He opened his first store in 1978, in Milano.
Gianni Versace was openly gay. He met his long life partner Antonio D’Amico in 1982 and he liked to go to parties with him. Versace had one brother, Santo and also one sister, Donatella. It’s important to emphasize the fact that Versace adored all his and nephews, especially Allegra Versace (Donatella Versace’s daughter).
In his will, Versace left 50 per cent of his fashion empire to his niece Allegra Versace. In any case, rumours also said that the fashion designer was murdered because he didn’t pay his debts to the Mafia.
Diana Frances Spencer was the adorable Princess of Gales. She was known as Lady Di.
Diana was born into an old, aristocratic English family with royal ancestry and she was Prince Charles’ chosen one to marry him. When thay make their engagement official she was just a young woman while her fiancé was almost a middle-aged man. Age wasn’t a problem for them, so they married on 29th July, in 1981. During this marriage Diana had two sons who loved with all her heart.
Diana was admired for all the British population because she was an unconventional princess. She was a free person and she liked to meet famous people such as her old friend Elton John. British royalty never approved of Diana’s behaviour and the situation between Diana and them was getting tense.
Nevertheless, it wasn’t the only reason of Diana and Prince Charles’ divorce, in 1995. Apart from this, In the media began circulating rumours about Charles and his lover, Camila Parker Bowles (who is his wife now). Those kind of rumours were getting bigger and bigger and everyone though they were true. Diana loved Charles but she couldn’t afford this situation much more and decided to leave all the falsehood of royalty’s world. Her last words to the media were "Yes, I loved him. Yes, I adored him, but there were three of us in this marriage."
In 1997, Diana started dating Dodi Al-Fayed, son of her host that summer, Mohamed Al-Fayed. After this, Diana spent a peacefully holidays with her boyfriend and her sons. Dodi contracted security services and also rent a multi-million apartment to make sure nobody would disturb them.
Diana’s death is also a great mystery. Everything happened on 31st August, in 1997. Diana was in Paris with his boyfriend Dodi. The media was following them all the time, so they were trying to escape form them with their car. When Dodi entered in a tunnel he crashed his car while he was trying to shake paparazzi off. He and Lady Di were fatally injured so they died right there. The whole world was dismayed with this fact, especially Diana’s sons Harry and William who loved deeply their mother.
There are still many rumors about Dodi and Diana’s accident. There people who say that royal family hire someone to make car’s breaches fail. There’s also people who said that it’s just media’s fault. If they let Diana and Dodi enjoy their travel peacefully, Dodi would never had run so fast and they never had crashed into that tunnel.
Kurt Cobain was an American singer and song-writer as well. He is better known as the main singer and guitarist of a grunge band called “Nirvana”. Kurt’s band succeeded in the 80’s and also early 90’s. Grunge style into fashion because of him and he had fans around the world.
In 1990 he met Courtney Love. At first, he refused her because he though he wasn’t ready for a relationship. However, in 1991 they began going usually out together and consuming drugs. In 1992, Courtney declared she was pregnant. After this, they got married.
In 1990 he met Courtney Love. At first, he refused her because he though he wasn’t ready for a relationship. However, in 1991 they began going usually out together and consuming drugs. In 1992, Courtney declared she was pregnant. After this, they got married.
It’s important to say that Kurt suffered from chronic bronchitis and also undiagnosed stomach condition since he was a child. He starts consuming marijuana when he was only thirteen years old. He was a hyperactive child with lack of attention. Later, as a man, doctors diagnosed him with bipolar disorder. Cobain use to be depressed because he didn’t liked the world he lived in. He was a sad person with a great heart, but he was always misunderstood. Kurt was also alcoholic and in 1986, he began consuming heroin.
On 1st March, in 1994, Courtney Love phoned police telling them that Kurt committed suicide with a gun in a room. After shooting himself, Kurt wrote a goodbye note to his childhood imaginary friend “Boddah”. In the autopsy, doctors found high levels of heroin and valium in his system. Nevertheless, rumours say that it wasn’t a suicide at all. There are people who believe that Courtney Love, his wife then, hired someone to kill his husband because they were always arguing and she was dating another man as well.
John Winston Ono Lennon was a famous musician and also song-writer from the worldwide famous band “The Beatles”. “The Beatles” became the most successful and scandalous band of the 20th century. However, he started in music’s world earlier: his first band was called “The Quarrymen”.
He transmitted with his music and his arts all his feelings. He spent all his life fighting for the global peace and also for political causes. His fight was just made of powerful words. In 1962, his lifelong girlfriend Cynthia Powell was pregnant so John decided to ask her to marry him. Their son Julian Lennon was born the following year. In 1967 they divorced because of John Lennon’s consume of LSD and his lack of attention to his wife. In the late 60’s John met Yoko Ono, his true love. They had a lot of thing in common: their biggest wish was make the world a peacefully and fair place for everyone. There are people who say that John and Yoko start seeing each other while John was still married. In any case, Yoko was pregnant in 1968.
In the early 70’s he broke up with his band and he started his solo career. From that moment he and Yoko became inseparables. They did everything together: they protest against wars, they painted, they did photo-shoots…In short, Yoko Ono and John Lennon were absolutely soul mates.
The most dramatic part of their love story took place on 8th December, in 1980. That morning Lennon and Yoko went to a studio to do a photo-shoot together. As they were leaving home, a Lennon’s fan asked him for an autograph and also a photo together. Lennon, very gentle, accepted. Some hours later, the couple was going back home. The same fan they met before, named Mark Chapman, loomed up them and said “Mr. Lennon!”. Following, Chapman shot Lennon in the back four times. They were at the entrance of Lennon’s building. The singer bled to death.
Chapman suffered from mental diseases and he prepared Lennon’s death some time ago. He declared that Lennon’s death was aimed at making him going down in history. John was a famous and much loved character, so he knew that everybody would be dismayed for this fact. Chapman is still in jail. Judges have denied his parole three times at least. It’s also important to remember that Yoko Ono will do whatever she can to make that man spend all his life in jail because he’s a dangerous criminal.
Heath Andrew Ledger was well-known Hollywood’s actor. He was born in Perth, in Australia. He worked in nineteen films during his lifetime. He also produced music video and worked as a director. He was a magnificent actor so he won many prizes such as BAFTA or Golden Globe. His first popular relationship was with Naomi Watts, who met during they were filming “Ned Kelly”. Their relationship lasted two years. After this, he dated many other girls but in 2004 he began dating actress Michelle Williams. They had met in the set of “Brokeback Mountain”. They were deeply in love.
In 2005 was born Matilda Rose, their beautiful daughter. They seemed the perfect couple, but things fell through in 2007 and they broke up. People said that the main reason of this braking-off was Heath’s drug addiction. He promised to Michelle he would leave them, but he never carried this out. Michelle loved him, but she just wished the best for her daughter so he decided to split up.
This braking-off affected Heath Ledger very much. From that moment, he start drinking and consuming drugs more than ever and a deep depression took possession of him. Days went by, but he wasn’t able to be happy. He start filming “The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus”. Everyone on the set confesses that Heath’s sad personality made them perfect to interpret the main character of the film.
His death was something really unexpected for everyone. It happened on 22nd January, in 2008. Heath’s body was found death in his apartment’s floor for his assistance. She immediately called the emergency services, but they couldn’t do anything. He died many hours ago. Autopsy revealed that he died of drug overdose. Doctor’s final verdict was “accidental death”. In any case, as always happens, there are also rumors who say that it could be a suicide. It isn’t hard to believe because since Michelle left him, Heath was always depressed and he didn’t seem the same at all.
Gianni Versace (right) was a famous Italian designer. He created and owned Versace’s empire (the International fashion House. Until its birth, Versace has produced accessories, fragrances, makeup, home furnishings and clothes. During his lifetime, Gianni designed clothes for famous theatres and films. He had famous friends, but his closer ones were Elton John and Lady Di. His mother was a dressmaker, so it helped him to love clothes and all related to them. This was the reason why Versace began his apprenticeship at a young age.
At his early professional years, Gianni designed lather clothes, which were especially for hunters. Few years later, Gianni designer for the first time women clothes and presented them at the Palazzo della Permanente Art Museum of Milan. The next year, he also designed a collection for men. He opened his first store in 1978, in Milano.
Gianni Versace was openly gay. He met his long life partner Antonio D’Amico in 1982 and he liked to go to parties with him. Versace had one brother, Santo and also one sister, Donatella. It’s important to emphasize the fact that Versace adored all his and nephews, especially Allegra Versace (Donatella Versace’s daughter).
Gianni had still many miles to go when he was murdered. On 15th July, in 1997 she was going back home after taking a morning walk on Ocean Drive. He used to go to a coffee shop where he could buy the international newspapers written in Italian, his language. He was shot by Andrew Cunan, who committed suicide some days later.
In his will, Versace left 50 per cent of his fashion empire to his niece Allegra Versace. In any case, rumours also said that the fashion designer was murdered because he didn’t pay his debts to the Mafia.
dissabte, 5 de març del 2011
1# STEVE IRWIN "The Crocodile Hunter"
Steve Irwin was an Australian ecologist and a television celebrity. He received global recognition when he began filming his TV program called “The Crocodile Hunter”. It was an unconventional documentary show about wild nature. Steve Irwin was also the owner and director of the “Australian Zoo” in Beerwah, Queensland. He practically spent his whole life surrounded by the most dangerous animals in the world. The most ironic thing about his life was definitely his death.
On 4th September in 2006 he decided to take the opportunity of filming a short report for the television program in which his daughter was collaborating. He was snorkelling with a companion in Port Douglas in north Queensland. There, they were surrounded by many stingrays. Stingrays use to give poison off when they feel they’re being threatened by another animal. This poison isn’t lethal at all, so when a person has been injured because of this, doctors can relieve the pain without any problem.
Nevertheless, Crocodile Hunter was fatally pierced in the chest by one of those stingrays. After this, he immediately died because stingray’s poison perforated his heart. If instead of perforating his chest stingray would have hurt, for example, his leg Steve Irwin would be alive now.
On 4th September in 2006 he decided to take the opportunity of filming a short report for the television program in which his daughter was collaborating. He was snorkelling with a companion in Port Douglas in north Queensland. There, they were surrounded by many stingrays. Stingrays use to give poison off when they feel they’re being threatened by another animal. This poison isn’t lethal at all, so when a person has been injured because of this, doctors can relieve the pain without any problem.
Nevertheless, Crocodile Hunter was fatally pierced in the chest by one of those stingrays. After this, he immediately died because stingray’s poison perforated his heart. If instead of perforating his chest stingray would have hurt, for example, his leg Steve Irwin would be alive now.
Norma Jeane Mortenson, better known as Marilyn Monroe was a famous actress, singer and model. She spent all her life living in two different worlds. On the one hand, she gave all her own to fame’s world. She pretended to be a perfect woman, who was always happy and who liked being considered a sex-symbol to the other men’s eyes. But truth was completely different. Marilyn was actually an insecure woman who was always very depressed because she could never show her real personality. Directors, producers, rich men…take always profit from her beauty and turned her into a “silly blonde” when she wasn’t like this at all. Although everyone though she was happy with it, she realized she was like an object to other people’s eyes, especially men’s ones. This fact and many other facts such as ageing were the reason of her sadness. She knew perfectly that she could never be completely happy, but she conformed to live that life of fame and falsehood. However, her life ended really soon.On 5th August in 1962 police received a call at 4:25 a.m. from Dr. Ralph Greenson, Monroe’s psychiatrist, told them that Marilyn was found dead at her home in Brentwood, L.A., California. She was 36 years old. At the autopsy, doctors could detect a high level of medicines, such as anti-depressant in her system. Doctors declared the final verdict of Monroe’s death: “probable suicide from barbiturate poisoning”. Nevertheless, it has been always considered a cold case and there are many theories, including murder, circulating even nowadays. The main reason of all these theories is the period of time between Marilyn’s death and the call.
Rumors said that Marilyn had been President Kennedy’s lover and was precisely him the last person who talked with the famous star. The conspiracy says that maybe The President or even The Mafia can be involved in Marilyn’s death. There’s also another theory which says that some hired killer were contracted by John Kennedy’s wife, Jackie Kennedy, when she found out her husband was cheating on her. In any case, no one has still been able to solve this mystery.
3# ELVIS PRESLEY "The King of Rock"
Elvis Aaron Presley was a well-known singer and actor. He became a cultural icon in the 20th century and people still refers to him as “The King of Rock”. He has a wonderful and uncommon voice which gave him the maximum recognition. He also came into fashion his slicked down toupee and his original way to dress. Since he became a famous star, Elvis had been forced to working at a frenetic speed. This was the reason why his doctors prescribed them medicines. Some medicines were sedatives, such as sleeping pills. They were aimed at helping him on falling sleep to preserve all singers’ energy for the next show. The other medicines were amphetamines and narcotics to give them all the energy calmed during his sleeping time.
It was very harmful for Elvis’ body and his death was a great example of this. All this barbiturates caused in Elvis a dangerous addiction and in 1973 the singer spent three days in a coma because of this. Until that day, his addiction was getting bigger and bigger. A great example of this were all the times Elvis fell down publicly, his problems on pronunciation, his cancelled tours…By this point, he suffered from multiple ailments—glaucoma, high blood pressure, liver damage, and an enlarged colon, each aggravated.
On August 16th, in 1977 (aged 42), Elvis was found dead in his bathroom floor. Doctor’s autopsy revealed that the cause of his death was a heavy intoxication of barbiturates. Surprisingly, rumors also surrounded Elvis Presley’s death. There are some people who say he is still alive: they say Elvis left Hollywood’s world to live peacefully. There are also many people who assure they have seen the singer in Las Vegas, after his death. The media also had the theory that this intoxication wasn’t accidental, they think it was probably a suicide. In any case, Elvis was and will always be an unforgettable celebrity and all his effort will always be remembered.
She is the most recently death celebrity. Brittany Anne Bertolotti, better known as Brittany Murphy, was a famous Hollywood actress. He began acting, dancing and singing at the age of four. He made her Broadway debut in 1997 and until then she was a recognized actress. She was also an actor voice: she voiced a character of the animated sitcom “King of the Hill” or even a character of the animated film “Happy Feet”. Her death isn’t a suicide, isn’t cause by drugs or alcohol…but it’s also one of the most uncommon deaths I’ve ever heard about.
On 20th December, in 2009, Brittany was found death in her and her husband Simon’s home. Doctors took her to the hospital, but some hours later she died after going into cardiac arrest. There are two theories about Brittany’s death. The first one says she died because of pneumonia with side effects such as anemia. In the autopsy doctors detected high levels of hydrocodone, acetaminophen, L-methamphetamine and chlorpheniramine in her system. So, they considered that Murphy’s death cause was drug intoxication (Doctors had prescribed Brittany some medicines, but she always took them in doses).
Unbelievably, Brittany’s husband Simon Monjack died on 25th February, in 2010 in his and his wife’s home as well. Doctors, once more, detected he suffered from pneumonia and also anemia. Some days later investigators discovered that they both died for possible toxic mold. Brittany’s family doesn’t approve this theory at all, but it’s hard to believe they both die in such a similar situation.
5# MICHAEL JACKSON "The King of Pop"
Michael Joseph Jackson, also known as “The King of Pop” is considered a legend in music’s world. Otherwise, things never were easy to him and he had to work really hard to be labeled as one of the most famous stars.
All his life was always surrounded by drama. Everything started during his childhood. Michael had four brothers and two sisters. His father Joseph Jackson wanted to make them superstars and earn a lot of money with it. So, instead of playing with toys he and his brothers were subjected to a lot of hours of rehearse. His father was really strict with them because he wanted them to be perfect. When they did something wrong, Joseph Jackson automatically hit them with anything he had at his disposal. From that moment, Michael and their brothers had a huge talent and they have everything to succeed. Unfortunately, this great gift had stolen their childhood. They get recognition around the world with his music band “The Jackson 5”. They all were brilliant, but Michael was always more prominent than his brothers: he was the little one, he was the main singer and nobody could believe how a child could have so powerful voice or so many rhythm and self-confidence as well.
Everybody knew that Jackson should start his solo career someday, and that day took place in the late 70’s. With his first solo singer “Don’t Stop ‘Till Get Enough” Jackson became an absolute superstar. His video-clip “Thriller” released in the 80’s was seen around the world and until then people referred to Jackson as “The King of Pop” because they considered that no one wouldn’t ever be able to dethrone him.
He had a magnificent and treble voice which was really uncommon in male singers. He also created dance steps, such as his worldwide known “Moonwalker”. Music became his whole life and he could show everyone that he had a special touch for it.
As I said before, Michael never had a true childhood. He spent all his early years dancing and singing, suffering from his father’s aggressiveness. He knew that it wasn’t fair at all, so he also spent a lot of money on building an amusing park called “Neverland”. He would invite children around the world to have fun there and make sure they’re having a nice childhood. It’s also important to say that most of their songs were dedicated to children and their rights. He felt a special affection to them and he also felt that there was a child inside of him who wanted make up for lost time.
The media always tried to destroy Jackson’s career, so they always made rumours and scandals up to get this. Jackson always recovered from false accusations, but the worst was coming. In May 2002, a child declared to the media that Jackson sexually abused him. Jackson confessed many times that everything was false, but no one believed him. He had to pay a high fine to this child’s family and until that moment his life and his career were in decline.
He was really depressed for all those facts because he spent all his life fighting for child’s rights and now people were accusing him of violating the most sacred thing of a child: his innocence. So, Jackson decided to retire for some time and he take the opportunity of spending all his free time with his two sons and his daughter. He also tried to protect them from the media and the cruel world in general. People considered him a little crazy and extravagant as well, but he knew it was the best he could do.
It’s important to remember that until his retire Michael had a lot of debts. That was the main reason why in 2009 he decided to make some concerts in London. These concerts would be their last shows and with this he would leave music’s world in triumph. Jackson spent a lot of money in preparing all his shows because he wanted to make something unforgettable. He was 50 years old then, and he suffered from healthy problems caused by surgery, his skin disease…Producers subjected Michael to a frenetic work and he hadn’t enough straight for this. Because of this, doctors prescribed them some more medicines (he was already taken other medicines) aimed at give them enough energy to support his rehearsals.
It was too much for Michael’s health and one night he felt he couldn’t breathe properly. His personal doctor decided to give them an extra-dose of medicines. It caused him a heart failure and he died in his bed. Michael Jackson’s death is always surrounded by many rumours. His family is nowadays facing up to Michael’s doctor in court because they all believe he could save Michael’s life. Police investigated this case and realized that when emergency services found Michael he was lying on the floor. Specialists have declared that when someone suffers from a heart failure or difficult to breathe this is the worst posture for that person. So, if Michael’s doctor knew that, why he moved him from his bed to the floor? Was it an intentioned death? If Michael’s doctor had let him in his bed maybe nowadays Jackson would be alive. There are also many rumours who said that everything was for the money. Producers had filmed all of “The King”’s rehearses and they released a film with them which make them earn millions of dollars. As has happened in other cases, is hard to know the truth of Michael Jackson’s death.
divendres, 4 de març del 2011
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dijous, 3 de març del 2011

Last Thursday 24th Febrary Dior designer John Galliano went for a drink in “La Perle” a bar situated in the city of Paris. There were some people sitting in the table next to him. The man who filmed this video said that the 50-year-old designer was there alone and really drunk. Otherwise, in the video can only be heard some ladies’ voices discussing completely horrified John Galliano’s arguments. At first, everything was alright. It was a common night, in a common place. However, the conversation turned evil when the British designer declared his love to Hitler and started talking to the people who were sitting next to him like this: "People like you would be dead. Your mothers, your forefathers, would all be f****** gassed." After this, ladies became completely surprised for those anti-Semitic comments. Unfortunately, he didn’t stop right there. When one of the girls said “Have you got any problem?” He also added: "With you. You're ugly." Following, when another lady asked him “Where are you from?” he just answered: “You’re a**hole”.
This trouble happened on Thursday 24th February. However, on Saturday, another woman ledged a complaint for similar behaviour back in October, so it wasn’t the first time the designer said so racist comments.
Consequently, fashion house Dior took steps to this disgusting behaviour. They make it easier and said that their decision would be beneficial to each one. They said that the reason why they fired Galliano on Tuesday was designer John Galliano and the fashion house have different points of view on their job. Many people consider this fact a positive change. John Galliano had been artistic director of Dior’s industry for almost eleven years. So, it was a great opportunity to redefine the fashion house’s style. Galliano had a theatrical style and it wasn’t Dior’s liking recently.
Now, house Dior main intention is create a subtler and refined elegance which better reflects post-economic crisis of the society. Nevertheless, Dior industry cannot reveal the identity of Galliano’s successor yet because negotiations with all the parties involved take time. Even though, rumours say that Riccardo Tisci, who has won praise for his work at Givenchy, could fill John Galliano’s place. Tisci has a special gift and he’s very creative as well. He has the ability to play with colours, especially with black ones. He has done wonderful things so, he probably he would be capable of interpreting Dior's universe. Furthermore, it’s important to remember he has revitalised Givenchy since 2005 with his dark, romantic and slightly melancholic designs.
However, those are just rumours and no one knows for certain who is going to be John Galliano’s predecessor.
Galliano has recently apologized for his improperly behaviour. Nevertheless, apologizes aren’t enough when he has insulted so many people in so many ways. As a proof of this indignation actress Natalie Portman, who should have been dressed with a Galliano’s design inspired in her prize-winner movie “Black Swan”, rejected any association with John Galliano and chose another design label. Finally, she chose a purple dress designed by Rodarte. She’s pregnant but she looked gorgeous with her lovely purple dress.
In my opinion it’s a story with a moral ending, don’t you think? Who could ever imagine that a simple (and completely arrogant) gesture can completely change one person’s life overnight?
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