INTERVIEWER: Hi! Today we are on Cosmopolitan TV and we're going to interview Donatella Versace, Lily Donaldson and Gisele Bündchen about fashion style.So, hi Lily, you are one of the youngest models on the catwalk. What was your first impression when you started this job?
LILY: At the beginning I was really scared and nervous because I was very young and there were a lot of professional people, but then after a few photo shots and catwalks I felt better with they, because them were very nice to me.
INTERVIEWER: And you Gisele, you are one of the most profitable models, you are in the Guiness World Records book. How did you get it?
GISELE: Well...I was born in a poor family in Brasil and one day model hunter found me in Moderals buying a burger when I was fourteen. He told me that I had to be a model in his company.Now, I'm working with the great Donatella Versace.
INTERVIEWER: Yeah great thank you Gisele. Now to you Donatella. Today you're showing your new clothes collection for summer. Where did you get you're inspiration from?
DONATELLA: Well, at first Hello! My collection this year is one of the most glamorous because I got my inspiration from old films like Marilyn films.Everything in my collection is sophisticated and all the clothes are of the highest quality.
INTERVIEWER: Thank you Donatella! That's fantastic.Gisele, what do you think about Donatella's collection? Do you like dressing in this collection?
GISELE: I think that it's very different from other collections of this summer but it's a very special collection too. I love to wearing this collection because for me it's very original.Donatella's clothes are like a dream.
INTERVIEWER: Great! I agree with you.So...Lily do you think that one day you'll be working with Donatella? Would you fancy it?
LILY: Oh yes! I would love to. It would be one of my dreams because Donatella is very professional and she works with the best people.Her collections are amazing and if I could work with her I would be famous around the world.
INTERVIEWER: Oh, how interesting! What do you think about Lily? Could she work with you? Does she suit your type of clothes?DONATELLA: Mmmm...She has already started to work in that world. So, it's too soon to know it. But she's very beautiful and she wants to work. So it could be. I saw her on some catwalks and she's fine.INTERVIEWER: Well, thanks very much to everybody.Thanks for watching and now enjoy the catwalk!!